
Helpful Hint. Hello, Best way to get a Subscribe back from me is to comment on one of my posts. BTW, If you down vote ANY of my posts, I will BLOCK you. If you're offended, better that you block me first :) Thank you... I know troubleshooting yourself in the foot and acting as center of your own universe is a tricky dichotomy to deal with but, yes, you ARE the center of the universe. If you weren't you wouldn't be here. So as the middle of space and everything floating in it it is your job to know that the emptiness is just emptiness, that the stars are stars, and that the flying rocks – fuckin' hurt, so please stop inviting walls into wide open spaces.
I was sarcastic then skeptical and swiftly moved to cynical. Now I am all three. So I have joined For Britain. Oh and say hello to Bertie and Eva my cats Check Out These Awesome Folk @Caroline144 @thatwildo @myincal @Aragmar @DrtyGrl @NigelDownUnder @SpiffyLynn And so many more i can't add them all
Independent Meme Muncher
Veteran- casual Australian shitposter
ꜱᴜᴘʀᴇᴍᴇ ʟᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀᴜᴛɪꜱᴛɪᴄ ɢɘꜱᴛᴀᴘᴏ | All posts on this channel are taking place within and/or referring to the Minecraft universe. Minecraft cost cash but Minetest is free.
"Knowledge is power when combined with a vision" August 6th 2018. #Bitcoin
No Facebook bullshit from this straight, white, small business operating, limited government thinking, gun owning, self reliant male. I've been banned from that “other” place at least a dozen times so here I am to fuck with all you fine people. Have a nice day. Carry concealed. Support by reminding and participating on the platform without fear of getting banned. Drink good bourbon and keep speaking truth to power.
fucka vaccine n fuck taxes death to the cia, fbi, atf, fda, irs, doj, fcc et al....death to the military industrial complex, too big to fail n take 29trillion of OUR money banks, the geeks ('big tech and their anti men) and of course, dont forget the Drug Dealers (big pharma plandemic nazi fucks) . kill your cell phone before it kills you revolution time
"Things fall apart, the center cannot hold. Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world. The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere the ceremony of innocence is drowned. The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity." ~~~ Yeats ~~~~~~~ “You don't need a formal conspiracy when interests converge.” ~~~ George Carlin ~~~~~~~ We must believe in a better world. ~~~~~~~ In raising my children, I've lost my mind but found my soul. ~~~~~~~ Hope for the best, plan for the worst. ~~ my Granny ~~~~~~~ Three Simple Rules to practically guarantee that you will never be stuck "In the System". ~ ONE ~~ Graduate high school. TWO ~~ Have no children prior to marriage. THREE ~~ Marry no earlier than the age of 21. That's it. You CHOOSE the life you lead. Choose wisely. ~~~~~~~ Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. ~~~ Hanlon's Razor ~~~~~~~ “No man escapes When freedom fails, The best men rot in filthy jails; And they who cried: “Appease, Appease!” Are hanged by men they tried to please.” ~~~ Hiram Mann ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please comment, remind, up-vote & subscribe to The Strike! 💡💡💡 ~/~/~/~ Like what we do? Kindly Tip a Token! ~~~ Pleased to make y'alls acquaintance! 😊
Oct 2019
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