Henrik Palmgren
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Head of Red Ice TV, an independent alt-media outlet based in Sweden and North America. We cover the massive problems that are arising from forced globalization, fake news and lies. We are pro-European and support nationalism for everyone.
Survival is not a Birthright. It is a prize wrestled from an uncaring Galaxy by Forgotten Heroes. I don't care if I hurt your feelings, the truth is the truth and the truth needs no law to protect it. Follow me on: Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Gd2XncabqfLQ/ World truth videos: https://worldtruthvideos.org/@CroMagnon1215 Gab: https://gab.com/CroMagnon1215 Telegram: https://t.me/Cr0Magnon1215
I am just one of many souls on this big blue planet looking for the truth.
Further right than a one legged uni-cyclist pulling 90 down the Autobahn RazorHammer on Gab, ProtonMail, VK and worldtruth.mx
We're all in Jones town now
Video links archive:find it! please support this project - more details at: vhub.xyz App: https://app.vhub.xyz/ Website: https://vhub.xyz/ Gab: https://gab.com/vHub
I am a Film & Video Game Reviewer
Real honkism has never been tried
A Russian nationalist, concerned about the survival of the white race. Not left or right, just pro-white. Feed Dugin to a giant reed cat!
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Dec 2017
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