
Geek nerd, libertarian, taxation is always theft. All about linux, free and open-souce software, free speach and coffee hacks!
location_onState of Ceará, Brazil
Sober Dad, Ex-Felon, Former Comic Retailer, YouTuber at Nerdrotic
Instituto Rothbard Brasil
Brazilian physician with a libertarian mind
We are Anonymous, we are legion, we do not forgive, we do not forget. Expect us!
1. God, Family, Friends. 2. Stoicism, Chivalry, Spiritual Universalism. 3. Private Property, Freedom, Responsibility. 4. Paleolibertarianism, Voluntarism, Private Law Society. 5. Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Murray Rothbard, Ludwig Von Mises.
Timcast IRL is producing podcasts on cultural and political issues as well as interviews with prominent figures on topical issues.
Find us on your favorite social media platforms for the best News, Politics and Memes to help get you through the day. ETH tips (always appreciated): 0xe1235A746346B29c6Aa6585edBc23dE3E1331Ff6 Website: www.BeingLibertarian.com Facebook: www.fb.me/BeingLibertarian Twitter: www.twitter.com/@beinlibertarian Instagram: www.instagram.com/beingalibertarian Parler: www.parler.com/BeingLibertarian Patreon: www.patreon.com/Beinglibertarian
Award Winning Journalist and Technologist Making Documentaries, VR, Drones, Immersion Storytelling, and Live Video | [email protected]
Defensor de propriedade privada, livre mercado, e ordem natural. Anti-Igualitarista.     (Não está sendo usada e não tenho planos para fazê-lo no futuro próximo) Essa conta é mais pra postar as coisas que são grandes demais pro Twitter (@HoppeanAncap), principalmente citações dos livros que eu estiver lendo no momento.  
State of Ceará, Brazil
Sep 2018
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