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Best Selling Author. Lover of hedgehogs & Freedom.
Free thought lives! Unorthodox viewpoints in politics, science and art | To submit an article contact [email protected] http://quillette.com/
Pro 1st and 2nd amendments, well pro bill of rights really. Pro individual liberty and responsibility. Pro humor, sarcasm and nice pictures. Ex Navy. Anti group think because no individual is a demographic. Pro USA. It's not perfect, but it's pretty damn good. We have come a long way and will continue to improve. I like to argue. Having to defend my presumed position forces me to examine what I think I believe. It tickles my brain. If you don't want to argue, then don't respond, I will not hound you.
Reading, writing, watching, listening & learning.
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Photography All my photos Tell me what you think
NASA on Minds fan page.
Looking to learn, looking to have interesting conversations. High quality meme dealer
Dec 2021
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