Plants in Nature

'Nature is not mute, it is man who is deaf.' T. McKenna
Shout out to all brothers, sisters and non-binary kinfolk, it feels good to be here with you. Shout out to @ottman and @minds Special thanks to @kiBLS @owlmagic @kampakampa @evolve2more Mostly expressing feelings, thoughts and spreading positive personal experience. In case you don‘t like it: argue the message 🙏
To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow
Life and nature are similar concepts because nature is the study of how life acts and interacts within the circle of existence. When we take the time to examine the beauty of the world around us, we are able to see parallels within our own lives. One who is attuned with nature is attuned with the practice of living. All of nature moves in a spiral as do our personal lives. It is important to spend time in nature because in this way we can become attuned to its wisdom.
welcome to my veggie and nature channel 😉
A place where all Cats and Kittens can play....!!!
🌼Just a girl with garden persistence. I'm going to post about gardening and plants in general.🌼 Supporting everyone who votes up. Subscribe if you like flowers and nature in general.
Graphic Artist ⬙ Art is love, freedom, and lifestyle! ▲⬤■ ⬙ More NFTs: ⬙ Discord:
A nerdy native that specializes in finding and capturing the hidden beauty in the Texas Panhandle and beyond. Psalm 139:8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. All photos are mine unless stated otherwise. Go-to to see my work. Asamadi Tsalagi Anigatogewi Tsisa
Nerd of nature, computers, 3d design, music and DIY. I have lots of love and jokes. Believer of the good in people. All photos posted are my photo unless otherwise credited.
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Mar 2022
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