Meet Gerome -The new designated spokes person for this channel. Gerome is not the typical garden variety gnome nor is he a stay at home gnome. Gerome is into art, photography, music, travel and more. He freely speaks his mind. He may not always be politically correct, however it is never his goal to purposely offend anyone. He firmly believes Truth can survive all logical and reasonable debate. Gerome is a skeptic. He believes that Science is only a tool...a method of inquiry ...not a test of "truth". Science seeks to prove a THEORY through controlled and closely monitored repetition. However neither consistency nor apparent correlation of results is actual "proof" of causation. It is merely an indication of the probability of a specific result. Science is NEVER settled. That's why "Scientific conclusions" will always remain theories.... Useful ...sometimes...accurate predictions .. but not necessarily attributable to factors as outlined in the currently accepted theory. Certain things mankind will probably never know or understand. Such matters lie in the domain of God and the realm of faith.
Relaxing in the middle of the sky
Autumn yellow leaves carpet greeting
Virgin white shirt oh escape
The long flap glides so elegantly
Floating and flamboyantly covering the young
Scattered to make rain water the soil
Small seeds spreading clouds suddenly cry
Sad for the universe and the moon and stars
I'm Thai, interested in nature and philosophy, cat is my pet,...joined since may 2020 . ชายไทย คนบ้านนอกมารับราชการอยู่ในเมืองบางกอก ชอบธรรมชาติและปรัชญา มีแมวแล้ว 1ตัว , In my content there are #philosophy#quotes, #news, #pets, #travel, #myphotos,#art,#mindsTH //:Thank you for visiting,🙏❤️"absolute love minds"
About my page:
There will be stuff you don't like. I'm going to post it anyway.
Memes, News, Updates and funny stuffs updated on a daily. I own no content posted, just sharing the fun and updates so I don't have to laugh and know what's going on alone XD🙂
You can kill the messenger but you can't kill the message.