Dage Alfons

A Fiction Writer Love music, writing and traveling.
Independent journalist
Genome Studios is an infant entertainment media production company specializing in Interactive Web development, animation, comics and game development. Our flagship project is currently the "Some Peoples Kids" series freely accessible at: http://getrich.genomestudios.ca We're also developing an arena combat board game, freely playable here: http://gladiators.genomestudios.ca Come follow us as we develop and grow as a company and provide incredibly unique experiences and entertainment! Want to be more involved? Give your support? Check out our Patreon for Get Rich: https://www.patreon.com/getrichseries All purchases, contributions and patronage will be invested into making ALL Genome Studios projects free for all and without ads.
Ancient Origins seeks to uncover, what we believe, is one of the most important pieces of knowledge we can acquire as human beings – our beginnings. http://www.ancient-origins.net
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This page is dedicated to the promotion of scientific literacy and enjoyment with an emphasis on amphibians and reptiles. For a list of all Ribbiting Science accounts: https://rsci.nl/links BTC: 38BQE4G3bmx4XNHMaJuAmbuYB5gQs2aFYg
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