
Gamer, photographer, video content creator and livestream personality twitch.tv/iamthedewgs
location_onUnited States, United States
Budding miniature painter looking to broaden horizons on alternate social media. Looking to share, learn, and grow with other fans of miniatures. Commissions open Sales of non-commissioned minis on Ebay/Etsy can find my alternate profile for my other life hobbies @theminiatureprepper
Writer, comedian, gamer, and crass big mouth. Love me or hate me, I'll appreciate both. Follow me if you want unapologetic takes on how fucked (yet funny) things are in the world today. Gonna talk lots of shit about lots of shit here, so don't be shy, nothing is off the table. Join the party...even if you're a douche bag! Don't worry, I'll let ya know...
If it seems like I don't take the world seriously, then you'd be right. Nobody should at this point in history. https://youtube.com/user/Vaultboy101 https://tenor.com/en-GB/users/purgingthoughts
Mr. Masudul, Technical Content Writer at the guest blog. He is very much passionate to explore the technical field and devotee to this field of Online Marketer
GS4. A Uniquely In-Depth & Incredible Experience.
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United States, United States
Feb 2021
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