Isael Languasco

No Confundas mis Publicaciones con mi Vida Personal, lo que publicó es solo entretenimiento, mi Vida personal es un cuento aparte.
sociologist (PhD), observer of the surrounding beauty. Writing about art, books and places that impressed me.🎨📚🌏
I love photos and paintings Nature and art are best !!!
En algún lugar. Mi padre es mi arte y mi madre es mi lógica. Aquí yo digo lo que me da la gana. Vainas que oigo por ahí.
5.1, sin el pelo en la cintura.
Trabajo como negro para poder vivir como blanco. UFC, memes, a veces toco bateria, tengo una gata, disfruto del romo, amante del Blues Moderno Satánico.
Mercadologa en potencia. Máster Neuromarketing MKT| NeuroMarketing| Sales| CustomerExperiencie| Creativa
Dr. Bach's Original Flower Remedies, a system of 38 Flower Remedies to help mankind achieve joy and happiness Learn more at or place an order now at
My interests:Agriculture, Photography, sports, artworks and designs, memes, nature, crypto and humanitarian services. Do find my channel and content creative, click the like button.
"But if the Savior made her worthy, who are you indeed to reject her? Surely the Savior knows her very well." Gospel of Mary 9:8 ~~~~~~ "...we might as well be mice squeaking against an avalanche, but squeak we must." ~~ Chris Hedges ~~~~~~ "...America.—where more than in any other region upon the face of the globe to be poor is to be despised." ~Edgar Allen Poe (1844) ~~~~~ "There are those who hate the one who upholds justice in court and detest the one who tells the truth." ~Amos 5:10 (NIV) ~~~~~ "I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it." ~ Evelyn Beatrice Hall ~~~~~ "This is a beautiful country." ~John Brown (last words,1859) ~~~~~ "Life is a fleeting shadow, it goes by like a fart in a dust storm." ~Cheech & Chong 'Get Out of my Room' 1985 ***** Kick your sacred cows frequently! If they truly are sacred you won't hurt anything, if they tip over it's time to slaughter. ***** Y'know that one stupid question that's so obvious you'd think everyone should know the answer so no one dares to ask? ASK IT!! duckduck and startpage are good places to start.. ***** Go to your search engine and look up [sophistry], [hauntology], [kakistocracy], [democide], [pedophrasty], [Bigoteering],[Nabothizing], [Partializing], (more to be added as I find new words). Notice how history repeats itself over and over again? Check into [Strauss-Howe generational theory]. *****
Mar 2023
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