Into the Mythica

Publshing and teaching the modern heroic journey across a landscape of our real life legends. Live your Myth. Join the Quest into the new paradigm.
A Maverick. Positivity/Spiritual/Meditation The Tribe of Awakening Sovereignty is a Global Community of Solutionaries and Change-makers who are co-creating social, legal, physical, economic and digital system structures that empower all those who choose to embody this unified way of being. Our structure allows for any number of organizations and individuals to come together as SOVEREIGN entities and share resources, tools and knowledge in a way that synergistically uplifts every member of the collaboration. We build communities, facilitate cooperative businesses, fund humanitarian causes, grow gardens and food forests, engineer advanced political and environmental solutions, create then distribute high-quality media experiences, and connect people to knowledge, products and services that empower complete freedom and enlightened states of being. Our mission is to awaken the Sovereignty within the human race by providing housing, education, living wages, food forests, sustainable energy systems, and techniques for conscious expansion to everyone. We move toward this ideal by creating and promoting a variety of products and services that support and enable evermore beings to step into their joy and abundance while serving the whole of humankind. Some of our offerings include: Social media services that spread inspiration and empowerment while paying the messengers; Healing services such as massage, sound alchemy, neurolingustic therapy, breathwork, flow-forms, and Tantra. New age Media and News distribution; A complete spectrum of affordable super-foods that uplift and enhance body and mind; Food forests that self sustain and expand upon themselves, Automated food production technologies; Advanced robotics; Handmade goods; and Autonomous Decentralized tools for new paradigm governance and value distribution. Together we have created the Abundance Network. An ever expanding collective that collaboratively earns and shares value through creating and distributing high quality media experiences, utilizing value generating abundance software, and connecting people to products and services that empower complete independence and enlightened states of being.
Bard. Alchemist. Mystical Journalist.
"Who needs the moon, when we've got the stars...." You and I probably don't share the same politics (I'm a free thinker and do not fall into any classification) but I'm sure that we can find interesting things to discuss. I would rather focus on what brings us closer together than what divides us. I enjoy knowledge for its own sake, not to forward ANY agenda, and not to manipulate others. If I share something, it is out of caring. I'm not into propaganda (of any side) or hatred (of any group)! I'm not into blanket condemnations. (for example, a statement like "mainstream media is all lies". Mainstream media hardly ever gets things right, and they are often used to spread disinformation, but blanket denials are dangerous, they give the brain the wrong message and teach the brain bad habits. INFORMATION should be examined and judged on its own. And, if a person doesn't watch mainstream media, why would said person talk about it all of the time? This habit demonstrates a lack of wisdom. Any human being who wants to make a difference in their own lives or the world should focus on what they DO have power to change. While you are focusing on things you have no power over, it might make the ego feel powerful, and it might bring you closer to your own mob of believers (your brand of sheeple), but it robs the being of any real power, and therein lies no real unity. Want to begin to approach freedom? Learn to mindwash the brain. The brain has been programmed from birth, and I venture to say that most of its programs were not written by you! *I'm a student of natural, evidence-based medicine* *I'm small business owner/entrepreneur* *I'm a student of exercise, fitness, and longevity* *I'm a reluctant writer/author* #all Account created on: Jun 19, 2015
Love is a medicine for Body, Mind & Spirit 𓂀 A Messenger of Oneness... Energy healing, Consciousness uprising, Chakras Balancing. Here to share Love/Light and build a strong community so we may Ascend to higher dimensions. 🙏🏼 Into Love & Light we shall dive FREE!!!
Exploring alternatives. Connecting with Gaia. Growing the future. Building community We dream to embody fully those terms in the near future, in a world where housing is a business, most homes are designed to be dependent on centralized/industrialized systems to have access to basic resources and function. Requiring constant input from the grid, conventional housing can only satisfy part of human basic needs. Housing is a major part of human life and needs to shift to a new paradigm if people in industrialized country wishes to return in a balance with Earth. To shift we need a home that takes care of itself and most importantly takes care of us. Imagine a home that fulfill our basic needs is self-sustainable, built with natural/recycled material and is powered and heated by the sun. The Earthship inspired homes are one amongst many types of alternative homes that are complying with those requirements. When a building is autonomous it can be disconnected from the grid, freeing its inhabitant from the constant need of input that conventional home need to function and instead providing resources like food and truly clean water. This completely change our relationship with the building we live in. We are developing this vision with a lot of dedication for the last couple years and are now ready to make it happen into physical reality.
Many thanks to all who have Subscribed, given Up-Votes & Shared this channel content. I Aim to Recipricate all Shared "Reminds"! If you are interested in restoring individual sovereignty and would like to support my efforts.:: LTC: LKU6WaT6qiRPXTBpgrL5sDe9heYKww84tU BTC: 37UxguVeUvDe8bSSUJU8y7aM4jksnwEGQw ETH: 0xa1d458d9d7a53c851f9ed54b2bab649966c31c74 ARRR: zs165auk20pwwapzgq6qh8m3dmr9qk6krdvwc06rl8n5vv3p8s4zzuc3kvjmtqxqqq52z4z6hfrn8e QORT: QQho3FL1KZ3gFV446FCPzayDVxWWeFH55e
Feb 2018
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