
Notre Honneur S'Appelle Fidélité https://twitter.com/gunnr_lp
Mon esprit s'élèvera de la tombe, et le monde saura que j'avais raison.
National Socialist Britannia exists only to serve the White Briton. We are here not on the terms of the apparent Negro Briton, or the Judaic Briton, as these are not true Britons. This movement exists to preserve our sacred Isle as we have for centuries. There has not been, nor will there be, a period of anguish like there is now; with our country at threat of radical ethnic reform and political distress, it is now the Eternal Briton must be protected. ____________________________________ Contact: [email protected] https://discord.gg/qNSxCXZ ____________________________________ Hail Britannia Hail Victory
National Socialist and White Power Skinhead. Highly admire Adolf Hitler (NSDAP), George Lincoln Rockwell(NSWPP), William Luther Pierce (National Alliance), Robert Matthews(The Order) Subscribe to my comrade: https://www.minds.com/SamuelBowers2316
"In the name of our ancestors whose blood was spilled, death to those who would destroy our homes, rape our loved ones, and ruin our ancestral homelands, death to the shatterer of the tribe of Kaleva, death to the polluter of the Finnish people!" — Elias Simojoki I am a Finnish National Socialist, White Nationalist, Pagan (not Asatru), NS propagandist, translator, writer, researcher, artist, photographer, and pro-White activist. You can also find me on: https://gab.ai/w41n4m01n3n AND: https://www.stormfront.org
RISE WORLD! AWAKEN! "A magnificent era is before us" THE CALL HAS BEEN SOUNDED, IT IS TIME FOR THE CORRUPTION TO END! “Adherence to your duty:” For "We Are The Light Of Our Ancestral Torch" And "We Will Rise Again" To Cast Out Corruption, The tribe of liars! Unravel the lies, expose the corruptors!: "To learn who rules you simply find out who you aren't allowed to criticize" -Voltaire “With effort and with organization, [our nations and communities] can be greater and more prosperous than ever before. The fight lies before us…a fight for action… for vigour… for vitality… and manhood” -Sir Oswald Mosley “Thanks to our unchangeable will, our readiness to sacrifice and our abilities, we will survive this misery.” “In ourselves alone, lies the future” “Through our own labor, through our own perseverance, our own determination, our own defiance, our own steadfastness, only then will we be able to rise again, just like our forefathers too” The True, Moral And Right Honorable, Adolf Hitler
Nov 2018
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