
time for unite and defeat the new world order (Illuminati)! Join the Anti Illuminati Party to aid our cause, to protect our freedom! For without freedom, there is nothing! Join us, so when the time comes, you can do your part! We must keep the United States, and the world free from the tyranny of the New World Order (Illuminati)! Don't think that we are against the constitution, we are all for it! We only fight the new world order, and to free the people. You can help by telling people you know about the New World Order. Note: this organization is not terrorism so please don’t be misunderstand. This organization is activism and speak up to expose about corrupt what government doing wrong things. We must stop this madness! Protect for speech freedom due by amendment 1st Support: Jesus Christ Heavenly Father Judaism Christian Confederation ______________________________________ Anti: Anti-Illuminati Anti-satanism Anti-supremacy Anti-communism Anti-corruption Anti-Antifa anti-nazi anti-israel anti-Catholic anti-Mormon anti-Jehovah's Witness anti-Wal-mart anti-Facebook anti-Google Anti-union Anti-democrat Anti-republican Don’t get me wrong about you think my idea is wrong or conflict myself or whatever cuz you haven’t research if you do then probably you on wrong side.
Award Winning Journalist and Technologist Making Documentaries, VR, Drones, Immersion Storytelling, and Live Video | [email protected]
Mar 2019
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