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Michael Ingalls / Libertarian / Gamer / Auto Technician / Content Creator
Hive is an innovative and forward-looking decentralized blockchain and ecosystem built on the Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) protocol. Since its inception, Hive has steadily grown as an ecosystem. Myriad dapps, APIs and front-ends contribute to a general and straightforward accessibility of data, transactions and records, so that this existing diversity and utility ensure that the ecosystem is welcoming to content creators, consumers, investors and builders. Hive is developed to store vast amounts of content and to make it available for time-based monetization. The performance of the blockchain is designed to scale with widespread adoption of the currency and platforms in mind. By combining the lightning fast processing times and fee-less transactions, Hive is positioned to become one of the leading blockchain technologies used by people around the world.
A novice Youtube Content Creator with a taste for Souls games and RPG's in general. Expect a solid amount of gaming content from me
Freedom of speech archivist through sources scoured and sent via the internet. Niece of a retired General. Cousin to a Senator. Cousin to the head of an intelligence agency that has been wrongfully imprisoned. Sister to a top federal lawyer and mother of three boys. I’ve lived on five continents and visited nearly 100 countries. And in my pastime I develop worthwhile technology that includes the development of a local news platform for muckrakers, activists and citizen journalists. Please subscribe to my channel and send me your Bitcoin!
Protecting Internet Freedom
Ugly, perverted, anime-loving, Gamergater Goblin who lives rent-free in Zoe Quinn's head. Proud member of the FBI (Female Body Inspectors) and future Twitter Refugee. Jack Dorsey can suck my dick and kiss the darkest part of my ass.
Free Thinker | Contributor The Post Millennial | Parliament Hill - former Stakeholder Relations | CDN-USA | Prolife
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Jan 2021
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