Poet/writer, photographer and regular all around guy looking for some real community online outside of the lifeless, soul-sucking range of Facebook, Twitter...
Minds Official Gifs Group - All Welcome - 😀
A group for sharing unique gifs; invite like minded users. Easily create gifs via links or just view creations and posts 💡💡💡💡💡
Video to Gif converter @ https://ezgif.com/video-to-gif
Lunapic editor @ https://www298.lunapic.com/editor/
Resize animated gifs @ http://gifgifs.com/resizer/
Zoetropic app @ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=br.com.zoetropic.free&hl=en_GB&gl=US
VIMAGE app @ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vimage.android&hl=en_GB&gl=US
(APK downloads can be found if you do not wish to use google play store)
PLEASE ensure your posts contain a TITLE
and these TAGS below as this indexes your files on a database and increases visibility.
(PLEASE post directly to the group otherwise exterior news feed page links will be deleted)
Whenever possible please credit original artists if you share material that you have not created yourself.
Easy access to editor apps and tools in the beginning of the conversations section. Please add any editor tools/apps you use. (This will give new members a starting point if they have no knowledge of gifs and wish to make their own).
Many thanks and best wishes from Official Gifs 🙂
💫 This group is specifically designed for minds users, who are distressed regarding various aspects on minds. The objective of this is to create awareness to the admins of minds.com. ✨
💫 This includes the current situation regarding the Plus/Pro Accounts. ✨
💫 Please feel free to voice/express your concerns here ~ No issue is off limits. ✨
💫 The main topic would be decisions made by minds owners/admins deliberately or consciously, such as refusal to rectify old bugs, rushing the concept of promoting new feature releases without testing throughly first, bad design choices and so on. Furthermore the first negative impression about new features (or removed ones) and/or any changes to minds platform. ✨
💫 This group is to further discuss your issues, that you feel are not being adhered to in the correct manner. ✨
💫 Some important factors to consider ~ 💫
⭐️ Irrelevant posts will be removed. ✨
⭐️ Please keep to the subject in hand. ✨
⭐️ Please do not rant. ✨
⭐️ Constructive criticisms and healthy debates please. Limit the use of profanity. Let’s keep it professional people. ✨
💫💫 If you have any further questions or concerns ~ please contact the admins of this group who will endeavour to answer these, in relation to the subject matter. 💫💫
💫 Thank You..! 💫
This group is a place to upload images, preferably ones you created, made or took yourself.
The group is moderated by long standing members and creators in our community.
The general rules are as follows:
We're always open to improvements and ideas!
- No Memes
- No short links
- No Porn or explicit content
- Only moderators may share urls
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