Alpha Wolf - Wolf Kin here.
I'm a new breed of Social Justice Warrior.
Come debate the social justice wolf if you think you've got what it takes. You've plucked all the low hanging fruit, now I'm here.
Social Justice Wolf here to balance out the scales of justice and to fight for what is right. To avoid bias against my challenge of tackling those on the alt right and those against the fair treatment of Women, LGBTQ+ and people of color.
I am an upcoming creative writer, who leans toward conservative libertarianism. My goal on here is to work on content that pertains this interest, even if it is argumentative writing. Currently, I am writing my first novel, which is forthcoming. I will be uploading short stories on here and I will be sending some to various publishers. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me. :) :) :)
Mark Dice is a media analyst, social critic, political activist, and author who, in an entertaining and educational way, gets people to question our celebrity obsessed culture, and the role the mainstream media plays in shaping our lives. (1111RE1111 is a unofficial mark dice channel.)
Postings of real news, comics/memes, and videos pertaining to the following:
Anti-SJW, -BLM, -ANTIFA, -MSM, -modern feminism, -censorship, -Sharia Law, -illegal immigration, -immigrant non assimilation, -extremism (Islamic or any other), -racism (not the Leftists' definition), -Democrat, -liberal higher education, -white male apologist, -forced multiculturalism
Pro-truth, -critical thought, -common sense, -free speech, -civil debate, -progressive conservatism, -modern nationalism, -military, -women, -decency, -gun rights, -MAGA, -U.S. Constitution, -animal rights, -environment, -limited government
"A man who will not die for something is not fit to live." ~ Martin Luther King Jr.