Lurker and Thinker
I like philosophy and games.
Existential optimistic nihilist, Pantheist
I'm just trying to find ways to entertain myself until I die and my matter gets recycled into the universe.
Camus, Spinoza, and Wittgenstein are my favorite philosophers.
I'm less picky about my games.
I write smut sometimes and might post it here.
Photos and blurbs from my wanderings.
Prints are available on the link to my website below, along with my blog and other random nonsense is available on my social media link below.
Techno, fly fishing, nature photography, ecology, biology.
"A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise."
-Aldo Fucking Leopold
I am a young heathen from Babylon.
Hail Satan.
Crush Trumpism with Creativity and KIndness
All photography and music by me.