
Random posting depending on my mood today. I try to keep my channel light with humor. Chatting isn't my thing, but I always enjoy hearing from everyone in the comments! Thanks for stopping by!!
Love, Light & Fcuk The System Namaste )O(utlaw Peace & Love Tin Foil Hat wearing~Aspie Contributor. Home. Home on the Rez :) Aho
I've got no strings to hold me down to make me fret, or make me frown I had strings, but now I'm free There are no strings on me!
Admirer of arts. Planning to use this account as a blog for art history (coming soon xD )
Foolish brainwashed young (& some deluded older) socialists believe Socialism & Communism to be some utopian delight. What they fail to acknowledge is that Hitler not only killed Jewish people because he believed they were a threat, he also killed ALL rich people to take their possessions off them. Socialism & Communism wants everyone EXACTLY the same while the super-rich elite live in decadence & luxury of stolen wealth & goods. That is Socialism & Communism in a nutshell. Along with the planned Corporate Globalism it is beyond evil... This is Globalism & One World Order. That is why they have put invaders in our countries. The foolish have no idea what they are letting themselves in for, but we know & we have a duty to save the foolish from themselves.. Evil doesnt care how it suppresses you, it will do what it thinks necessary. That is why Christianity was born. ------------------------------ Christian & Proud - thats REAL Pride. No Deal Brexit supporter. Despise rotten remainers. Pro-Trump & want him to win 2020. I will also post lots about Wildlife & animals as I love them. Unashamed pescatarian & Spiritual Christian. Thanks for follow. Not doing this to earn money or gain in any way, just sharing news I care about. x
I'm here to post memes, mainly. But I am also here to stay informed and to avoid censorship. Information is one of the most powerful tools at our disposal, anyone who tries to hide it from you is afraid of what you may learn. Be vigilant. P.s, I post some offensive shit and have a filter about as effective as the U.S. border without a wall. I do not hold any prejudice against anyone. Everyone is equally at risk of getting their buttholes in a knot. Shadilay, my kin.
Just your average secret weapon
I am here for the comments
Jan 2019
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