
Crypto, game and other!! I was born in Florence, Italy and I like more the three things i say up.
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Satira d'Assalto/Assault Satire Quando indico la luna lo stolto guarda il dito medio/When I point to the moon, the fool looks at the middle finger. ITALY Canale Telegram
I will try to introduce to the friends of Minds small parts of my beautiful country. Kisses from Italy ❤ satirist of @arsenalek
A sinistra dei Baustelle, a destra del Gengis Khan
Libererò l'Italia dai tedeschi e dagli italiani tedeschi. I will set free Italy from the Germans and from the Italian-Germans.
[ITA] Questo piccolo ma grande mondo: Benvenuti sulla mia pagina dove posterò foto fatte da me col microscopio. Spero vi piaccia [ENG] Welcome to my page: Questo piccolo ma grande mondo. On this page I will post photos taken through a microscope, I hope you like them
I’m a down to earth and easy going man with a positive mindset,I see life from the brighter side and always up to try new things
Funny Memes🤣 Follow 4 Follow☝️ Follow My Other Page 👉@Aang👈 🥇All Token Wires/Tips Get a Shoutout🗣🎙
Mar 2021
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