
This is a news and op-ed aggregation Channel. By analyzing the nature of the lies that corporate media outlets tell, a skilled Truther can extrapolate to the truth which MSM are trying to hide with an almost intuitive level of speed and accuracy. Notice to pedophiles and child-traffickers: (NIV) Luke 17:2  It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.
Full-time alt-techie, part-time nomadic adventurer and over-time podcaster. Daily travel shots (with a side of tech). Subscribe now and join me on the road!
Hermes, here to subscribe to political individuals on Minds and relay their information.
fuck politics for a sec, look at these dank memes. why stress about shit you have no control over? live in the current moment instead and drown out the sadness with quality memes.
A Poet A Warrior A Musician A Philosopher A Seeker of Truth A Freedom Fighter An individual that believes that Fairness, Justice, Peace, and Freedom; are not just words - but perspectives. Don't Tread On Me, and Don't Tread on the space I meditate. My Thoughts are my own, My opinions and views are my own. ***************************** Fav Groups: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/822116150767644672/feed https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1001036524168171520/feed ************************************ You can now find me on YouTube(for now anyways): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-J6t2fowWj9KFgM54buVZw And BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/23xEq4GHEtD6/
Cursus Honorum Vero Beach, FL | Washington, D.C. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Individuation does not isolate, it connects. ~ Carl Jung 🖌 Nam Myoho renge kyo... ~ Nichiren 🌸 For the leopard lives by the law of claw, and horn and fang. He will kill for hunger and eat thereof but he will never kill for killings sake. A law which all men break, but the jungle folk obey. ~ Rudyard Kipling 🖊 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A 30th Century Man: https://youtu.be/Z5aaJG1Nb-M #art #film #acting #science #politics #FIRSTamendment #secondAMENDMENT #generalGOOFYness #philosophy #religions #AmericaFIRST Post Scriptum If you hate the Jewish people or their faith, please don’t subscribe to my channel. 🇮🇱 Thank you. 🇺🇸
Apr 2020
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