
IT manger -retired
location_onWagga Wagga
Bayesian Scientific Skeptic / Sceptic, Atheist, Humanist, Critical Thinking, Science & Technology, Science-based Medicine (retired Neurologist), Internet Triangulator and Sarcastic Curmudgeon from the Baby Boomer Generation. For the record: Follow me on Google Plus: Personal Profile: John R. Ellis https://plus.google.com/u/0/+JohnREllis G+ Business / Brand Pages: Reverend John Dr.John R. Ellis, M.D. Sleepy Hollow Honey and Herbs Friend me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/John-R-Ellis/100012281521128 Friend me on Discord: John R. Ellis#0536 Invite me on MeWe: https://mewe.com/i/john_r..ellis Subscribe me on Minds: https://www.minds.com/johnrellis Join (or Create) your Nextdoor Neighbors hyperlocal private social media group - Invite Code for your local Nextdoor neighborhood - (USA, NL, UK only): https://nextdoor.com/amazon/?r=jpfphn Follow "drjohnellis" on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drjohnellis/ Email me at: [email protected] Hobbies/Interests: Beekeeping Homebrew Gardening CBS Survivor fan MMA fan Reality-based Medicine Psychology Neurology Medicine Engineering Ordained Atheist Minister in ULC Irreligiosophy Skunk Dick & PhD Pope of Atheism Minus Anti-theist ProChoice ProGun ProGMO ProVaccine Proud Glober AntiCensorship You can't reason with delusion. Not to mention apophasis - my favorite paralipsis. A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds. Trust no one. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. All Skeptics are Atheists. Not all Atheists are Skeptics. Be Skeptical. You are entitled to your own opinions, but not to your own (made up) facts. Facebook is about Friends and Family. Twitter is about Events. Nextdoor is about Neighbors. Discord is about Gaming and multiple chat channels. Google+ is about Topics and Information. Minds and Emenator are about Freedom of Expression without censorship. Cheers!
"Invaders of Safe-Spaces, First of their Fleet, The #Unbanned, Russia state affiliated media / #RussianBot, Most Trusted Name in #FakeNews, Queen of #SubscriptionWhores, #Dissenter and Investor / Critic of Minds, Patriarch of the Pan-Kekistani Church, Scholar of the #Kekenormiecon, Disciple of 4kun, World-renowned Owl-Scientist, Advocate for the #EastAsianMasterRace, Preferred Pronoun - Master/Mistress, IQ 10,000 (((#GermanSpellCheck er of Wannabe- Nazis))), Speaker of the #NiggerWord, Protector of Frozen Peaches, Reviewer and Incinerator of the Quran, Trigger of #NPCs, Centrist Extremist, #BlockedBySteveShives, Breaker of Newsfeeds, and Mother of Memes" 😎
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Also follow us on gab: https://gab.ai/acronverse Instagram: @acr0nverse Author and creator of the multi-series ACRON universe. I am a strong believer in freedom of speech, equality of opportunity and meritocracy. I believe in old-fashioned family conservative values and am hoping to make shows to that effect. If you are interested in SciFi, Fantasy, Horror, and crime mysteries then you may want to follow for series updates. https://shop.spreadshirt.ca/acronverse/
what the heck is goin' on? nobody's ever seen anything like it! ——- whatever ‘it’ may or may not be, eh?
"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." - George Orwell "That is why the Athenian law maker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy, and that is why our press was protected by the First Amendment. The only business in America specifically protected by the constitution, not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply give the public what it wants, but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises, and our choices, to lead, mold, educate, and sometimes even anger, public opinion." -- JFK
Sharing my vision of the Web 3.0 landscape and how we can successfully navigate the digital transformation of AI & blockchain as the host of Tech & Things. http://www.scottcbusiness.com/ - all my social channels and latest posts can be found here
Wagga Wagga
Jul 2017
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