Doctor Estoico

Especialista en salud mental, estudiante del estoicismo, libertario.
Comprehensive Life Coaching Services Greetings Everyone!!! I am really looking forward reaching out to those who can benefit from my contributions and endeavors. I am a Life Coach with special skill set in Emotion Fitness Coaching for Individuals, Couples Relationship Coaching, Autism Spectrum Informed Family Relationship Coaching and Trauma Sensitive Yoga Life Coach, #couplescoaching #traumasensitiveyoga #minds #emotionfitnesslifecoaching #autismspectrumfamilycoaching I also started a YouTube Channel Ignite Best Practices...if you put on the YouTube search bar Sandy Herek Ignite Best Practices it should pop up right away. Try it and let me know what you think. If I can answer any questions, or you are simply curious about how I can contribute or have any suggestions feel free to reach out through minds messaging feature. Looking forward this platform to be of service to the various communities it could help me reach out to. Health and Light everyone! Sandy Herek, Life Coach
✺Ayuda psicológica y acompañamiento emocional para personas despiertas✺ ☞ Las sesiones son en el chat de minds. 👍Puedes usar un nombre de tu elección para mantener tu anonimato si así lo deseas. El servicio se abona en criptomonedas. No usamos medios de pago que puedan comprometer privacidades. 🤝 Comprendemos que una persona despierta no podrá compartir con la necesaria confianza, las angustias y los problemas causados justamente por su nivel de consciencia. Por todo esto hemos creado este espacio. Para ayudarnos entre nosotros. en el camino hacia un mundo mas consciente. Cuando quieras charlar, envía un mensaje por el chat.👐 . #miedo #impotencia #angustia #divorcio #ansiedad #ayuda
Welcome to Minds! We are an open source social network dedicated to Internet freedom. That means we actually care about things like digital rights...
Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value.
Whether It Offends You Or Not, I Will Always Be "Unapologetically American" --- #Trump Won & #FJB
Alternative health brings you mother nature's approach to wellness. Our underlying principles cover healthy diets, weight loss, fitness, stress management as well as pain management. Let's educate you about health, what your family needs, and support your body's capacity to heal so that you can avoid and minimize the risk of illness in the future. Let's get into it!
Hey, my name is Luna. Love to travel and always looking for things that keep me healthy and strong. Look in the link for my latest discoveries.
Liberty, Memes, God, Family, Homesteading, Charity, Homeschooling, Satire, Prepping, Arms, Humor, Natural Rights - Anti: Tyranny, Government, War, Taxes
Hola, Soy Anna. Ten un excelente día.
Apr 2019
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