
I bang things for a living. Anarcho-capitalist, atheist, Linux normie. Keep up with where I'm performing by joining my Telegram channel:
location_onPort Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa
My Story Romanian born singer – songwriter KC Bellis started life being orphaned. When she was two years old KC was adopted by a single mother Celina and KC moved to the Motor City with her mother. When KC was a young girl she suffered a hearing loss in both ears and was mostly deaf and went to school for handicapped children. After multiple surgeries on both ears KC regained her hearing where the world of music came alive to her. KC attended The Detroit Institute of Music and Arts in the early – mid 90s where she sang under direction of Freda Ensign in their children’s choir. From here KC’s love of music flourished and she became familiar with music of the 60’s to current hits. KC can sing many genres and these songs became the soundtrack to her emotions and KC started to eat, sleep and live music in her daily life. KC started journaling which allowed her to document and also vent her feelings. Eventually these journals became the basis of her songwriting. KC was also classically trained in Piano, Clarinet, and Chorus in junior high school. KC was vocally coached by a women in her church and music took a very strong hold of her life. In 2000 KC and Celina moved to Clearwater Florida. KC was picked on in school and she turned to substance abuse to forget and escape. Celina sent KC to the Ranch for Kids in Montana where KC learned to cope with her feelings and KC was drug free. KC is a walking, talking, and singing Wiki of music knowledge. She can sing hundreds of songs from memory across most genres from the 60’s to current hits and pulls them off flawlessly. Some of her inspirations are Pink, Linda Perry, Diane Warren, Carol King, Linda Ronstadt, Carly Simon, and many many more. Years later we found KC going to bars and singing Karaoke at every opportunity. At one of these venues KC was approached by a producer that worked with various who were well known. He convinced her to come to his studio and lay down a track and once validated by someone in the industry KC’s writing started to blossom. This fueled KC and she wrote her first album Letters to Nowhere. This album included Know You which was inspired by a failed relationship. A close friend had gotten KC to forgive the person in the failed relationship and in her quest for closure she wrote the title track of the album. Once her heart was lightened by this flood of forgiveness it released her and she started to write more upbeat and fun songs. With her now spunky personality KC decided that there was nothing that could stop her on her quest to become a top artist. With some inspiration of Lady Gaga, KC studied her writing style and it clicked for her. This led to the creation of her latest track C.Y.A. Which is being released in the coming weeks. KC’s goals are to let the youth of the world know that girls and boys like her can have the confidence to know that they can do something great. KC is a firm believer that anyone can do anything they set their minds to. KC believes in letting the world see you for who you are, rather than a made up persona that is displayed by many of the world’s music stars. KC will never hide her true self from anyone and she wants to inspire the youth of the world to do the same.
Constructor - Musician - Objectivist - and much more for you to find out!
Froggs & Habit Intergalactic Trading Corporation was not just any trading company. It was a strange hybrid of an antique store, a blues bar, and a storytelling platform. It all started in 1901 when Ezra Froggs and Pictus Habit decided to combine their passions and talents to create something unique. Ezra had inherited a 102 ft wooden sailboat called the "Sludge Monkey" from his uncle, Oupa Froggs. He saw the potential of using it to explore the world and bring back interesting artifacts. Pictus, on the other hand, was an antiquities dealer in London, owning a shop called "Alladins." He had an eye for unique and valuable items that could attract collectors from all over the world. Together, they started importing artifacts from all corners of the world and selling them in their store. But they didn't stop there. They also started buying new items during their travels, using their fleet of ships to explore and discover more treasures. What made FroggsHabit stand out was their unique approach to selling these items. They didn't just display them in a store; they created an immersive experience for their customers. They would tell stories about the origins of the artifacts, the cultures they came from, and the adventures they had while acquiring them. They would even sing songs, mostly complete nonsense, but always entertaining. Their store quickly became a popular destination for collectors and curious adventurers alike. But FroggsHabit wasn't just confined to London. They would take their artifacts and stories to wherever their ships could take them. They would set up pop-up shops in various cities, always drawing in crowds with their unique approach to selling and storytelling. As they continued to explore the world, they started encountering strange and mysterious artifacts that were unlike anything they had seen before. They started collecting these items, not knowing what their true purpose was, but fascinated by their strange energies and abilities. Their adventures took them to the furthest corners of the galaxy, and they continued to sing songs and tell stories wherever they went. They even set up a blues bar on the moon, where they would perform and sell their latest finds. But as they delved deeper into the mysteries of the universe, they started to realize that some of the artifacts they had collected were not just ancient relics. They were powerful weapons that had been hidden away for eons by beings far more advanced than humans. Froggs and Habit had unwittingly become the keepers of these dangerous artifacts, and they had to find a way to keep them from falling into the wrong hands. They had to use all their skills and resources to keep the artifacts safe and hidden, while still continuing their travels and adventures. FroggsHabit had become more than just a trading company. It was a beacon of adventure and mystery, a place where people could explore the unknown and discover the wonders of the universe. And Ezra and Pictus, the founders of FroggsHabit, were more than just traders. They were explorers, storytellers, and guardians of the unknown.
Observing Progress in learning web development
Just your humble meme dealer.
Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Mar 2019
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