
I've recently been given a small window to pursue more creative venues. I'm going to push hard to write a book, relearn some songs on some instruments and return to making wood burnt art. If I can manage to get some passive income from my endeavors I can pursue the more fulfilling aspects of life (I will still be chopping wood and exercising outside but maybe more for personal land development and less to make money)
I'm either at home in yoga pants or downtown in costume making people smile. Somehow this accomplishes my goals
"A great inner revolution in just a single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a nation and, further, will cause a change in the destiny of humankind." Daisaku Ikeda Can one person's spiritual journey help make the world a better place?
Iโ€™m old, tired, and extremely pissed off at the state of the world. As a former truck driver, former licensed psychiatric technician, and a former navy corpsman, I have a take like no other and Iโ€™m not afraid to tell it like it is. I guarantee that, if nothing, Iโ€™m going to, at the very least, ruffle some feathers. I now do back work for a living while posting memes, essays, and comments on Minds in my off time and Iโ€™m really happy to be here. My Podcast:
A hobbit at heart and a born #storyteller, this weird #wordsmith is a connoisseur of #Komorebi who needs regular doses of #Waldeinsamkeit and meditation on #JesusIsKing to stay sane, a sales & customer service ninja, a data analyst, and the Progenitor of #ThoseGogganses.
Truth and liberty by day, beer by night!
Indipendant Truth seaker and journalist. I am a conscious, incarnate aspect of the creator of all existence, born into this duality of love and fear! and I recognize you as the same! I choose love and forgiveness OVER fear and hate ! If we each plant a seed the garden will grow again ! love and light !
You Don't Need Any Permit For A God Given Right!
I have been gaming since 1992 and building PCs since 2003. I enjoy Linux, supporting FOSS projects and am a tinfoil hat connoisseur. Gaming is my achilles heel in that regard. Many FOSS projects rely on donations. If you have money to spare but don't know which to donate to take a look at the below links on Ko-fi, Github, and Open Collective. Anything on there is something I have found to be worthy.
My page is not for the faint of heart, but then again, neither is the truth. I'm just a dude trying to figure everything out who likes sharing with other like-minded individuals. I don't belong to any party or group since I've realized... It's all 1 organization. But the democrats are trying to be the bane of freedom. Once you realize what your dissonance feels like, you have a powerful tool. Don't shy away from it, dive in. ;) Goodluck. P.S. Feel free to meme anything that I say, IDGAF, I don't make memes, it's all stolen. Maybe eventually I'll get along well enough with Linux... just do it! ;)
Semiprofessional meme (re-) cutter - The Truth will set us free -
Jan 2021
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