Layers of Shell

writer, artist, creator, seer I want to stimulate the imagination in the subtlest of ways. This world in which we live is full of countless hidden secrets. Things that appear "normal" are anything but, if given any deeper a look. Deepen your look. Doors can lead anywhere. Things that appear permanent are fleeting. That retaining wall that marks the boundary between sidewalk and cemetery? It struggles against nature and inevitable decay, but to the unattuned eye it's a permanent fixture. How false. Architecture is suffused with meaning far beyond its outward appearance. Everything around us serves as reservoirs of time and living (withering) monuments to entropy. Look twice at the mundane and wonder: Am I seeing what's really there? Or is what I see but a construction of my trained mind? Look closer and wonder. (note: all content here, unless otherwise noted, is original)
A small fiction publisher specializing in print and E-book design, editing, marketing, and publishing. It's an experiment. We're building this up from Ground Zero--no social media presence, no nothing. The constraints? FOSS from press (of the keyboard) to press. And with the exception of Twitter, "alt tech" or no tech. Debut novel in Summer 2021 The board is set.
A Beer and a Bowl
By day, a driver looking to make ends meet. By night, a mallrat looking to explore those expansive cathedrals of consumerism, their history, and their decline.
Dec 2018
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