Le Gilet D'or

Heil BlutsbrĂŒder, Wir mĂŒssen weiter leben. Ich bedanke mich bei Arminius und ich halte meine Franziska fest. - Location: Hvidland - Weißland - BlanpaĂŻs __________________________ Nuts and Morons are not allowed. __________________________ ))) Europe First Groyper ((( - Groyp 'Em By The Balls - I am a Proud White European and member of the Alba's Army _________________________ Vous avez le droit de garder le silence. Tout ce que vous direz pourra ĂȘtre retenu contre vous. Avez-vous quelquechose Ă  dĂ©clarer? JE SUIS UN HOMME DE RACE BLANCHE et MON HONNEUR S'APPELLE FIDELITE ______________________________ What is my religion ? Do I need one ? I don't. I only follow my European Aryan Survival Instinct that's mean I follow the Natural Law. - What is Natural Law ? In the European world the Natural Law is received as a body of unwritten rules depending upon universal conscience and common sense, ascertainable by right reason. Observing Natural Law I practice The Supreme Religion. The Supreme Religion is following my European Aryan Survival Instinct according to the Natural Law. - What is the concept of Natural Law according to European Thinkers >>> https://youtu.be/r_UfYY7aWKo - After 06:55 it's just some politically correct BS. ______________________________ PS: Ce qui compte ce sont les actes. Le reste n'est que du vent. Le monde virtuel n'est qu'une illusion. La vraie vie est lĂ  dehors et elle t'attend. ______________________________ [ MY ANALYTICS ] https://www.minds.com/analytics/dashboard/traffic
Non, pas poireau. J'expliquerai
Exposing The Truth About The Music Industry
Aug 2019
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