Leslee Sheu

Indie fantasy author (Kumasagi). Wife and mom. Maidservant to two guinea pigs. Indie book reader, manga reader, loves papercrafting. Website: http://lesleesheu.com Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Leslee-Sheu/e/B08HX6KLGV Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/20709899.Leslee_Sheu Book Review "Policy" https://www.minds.com/blog/view/1336477474367737868
location_onMaryland, United States
I'm either at home in yoga pants or downtown in costume making people smile. Somehow this accomplishes my goals
Why not take an unorthodox look at our meaningless lives in the hope that we can better ourselves by discarding trivial nonsense? Web Development https://recycledrobot.co.uk Anime Memes https://theotakumeme.com
Journalist and aspiring horror creator. I wish you all peace and happiness.
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Writer/Youtuber Author of Renegades and Tales of the EdgeWorlds.
Dark Web Admin ***SUBSCRIBE*** *Special Thanks To My Supporters* @Ashy @artgalleryraka @MariOlsdatter @demosai @Davieboy @Airith @Kealoha2u  @ColoradoJ Though we live in a world that dreams of ending that always seems about to give in something that will not acknowledge conclusion insists that we forever begin Brendan Kennelly Irish poet
Maryland, United States
Jan 2021
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