
Pronouns: to-whom-I-legally-authorized-to-withdraw-money-from-my-bank-account… Computer Dr. | Software Engineer | Husband Graphic Designer | Multi-Media Creator
location_onOhio, United States
Husband, Father, Veteran, Writer, Pagan, and all around decent human being. Your results may vary....
Male, he, him, this fucker here, Boomer II (on the xer cusp), egyptology, heathen savage, Omnivore,Vegan troll, Memeshitposter, Bad Dad, Punisher.
Award Winning Journalist and Technologist Making Documentaries, VR, Drones, Immersion Storytelling, and Live Video | [email protected]
I own my body. You have no right to tell me what I can or cannot put into it, nor are you entitled to any revenue I generate using my body. You further have no right to elect other people who you empower with rights I do not have. The laws that these people write on paper are completely invalid to me. I do not violate natural law, nor do I aggress against anyone not aggressing themselves on me. I will defend with deadly force the natural rights I possess as a human being. These rights are not given nor do I authorize the defense of those rights by any individual or government other than myself.
Way too many of you dumb fucks think this is an anti-Woman or MGTOW channel. It's not. You're probably just a fucking retard. The amount of completely insane dipshits that want to purchase a fake pussy engineered for medical use on MtF trannies, attach it to your Roomba, and call it your wife is disturbing. You're all dumber than niggers. And where the fuck did all the AIDS spreading faggots come from? I'm not here to support you either. You go in the ovens too, right next to that dude and his "Johnny5 is alive" wife. And I delete retard, faggot, and spam comments when I find them. You're not entitled to upvotes when you're comments fit any of those groups.
Feline - Meow. When not at second life, I post things that normally bring a smile to my face. (art, cartoons, recipes, memes, pictures taken 'inworld' from SL.) I also play ESO = Elder Scrolls Online. I have written a few blog posts on second life topics. Hopefully the blog posts can help get someone started; or give a general idea of what they are about to leap into. In my own pixelated SL universe: I enjoy landscaping & decorating to create nice photo backdrops.. I make the occasional piece of furniture. I have one of the largest SL adult libraries available. I spent four years of collecting notecard books; and putting books to notecard. (Then building/creating to contain said cards.) Nothing on card where copyrights are in question. I only want to further a bit of intelligence via reading & this is my small part to help in that. I also like messing about with a Teegle-pet horse. You know those horses have a mind of their own. And the horses do get into trouble if you aren't right there to watch and enjoy them. When wandering the long roads in ESO: Loot it. Loot it all! Khajiit was framed! I have any number of quest bosses I would love to have help killing.. Just ask if you want to go kill a quest boss. And if you want a werewolf bite, I'm that kitty! Other than that, fishing. I like fishing.. What khajiit wouldn't like fishing? Questing. Cadwell was right when he said it was even the sound of the word when it leaves the mouth.. Quest.. Questing..
trump gal posting her favorite pro trump content
Ohio, United States
Jun 2019
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