
Delta College Alumni. 2014 Journalism and Emerging Media Graduate. 2016 Electronic Media Broadcasting Graduate. Libertarian with a penchant for being triggered for Liberty and Freedom. Get Merch at:
question everything
Taxation is theft, government is an illusion, we are eternal.
What is anarcho-capitalist nationalism you may be asking. Isn't anarchy about no governments or nations? Well it is about no government but it can be about nations. Nations after all can be different groups in a particular region or even dispersed but with a common goal and this is the crux of anarcho-capitalist nationalism; the unifying goal of anarchist which is to reject rulers, oppression and to defend liberty. ANCAP NATIONALISM seeks to unify anarchist wherever they are and to utilize available tools, including government, but mostly the free market to defend liberty, shrink government, and repel oppressive ideologies.
Lived half my life playing it safe like to take rest of my life being adventurous. (That's me hanging off the CN tower)
Free minds, free people, and free markets. Oh, and doo wop.
As Libertarians, we seek a world of liberty; a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her values for the benefit of others.
Apr 2018
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