
Amplifier of #empathy . Questioner of everything. Promoter of mindfulness, dialogue, and collaboration. I'm not going to beg for subscribers or reminds for tokens. I don't care about tokens. I want #conversation.
Maker of things and stuff, an illustrator of whatever. All 2D works made using only colour pencils onto cotton rag: All 3D works made using anything and everything. Art on Minds...
this out of body bird. Mechanics of Reincarnation ft. @hankbarnes the minds poetry group. ^^ post your poems and writings. the minds dream group. ^^ post your dreams.
Sharing slap-dash thought vomit of maudlin infested doggerel. I like to swing from metaphorical trees. -------------- >>TIP / COMMISSION ME<< [email protected] or message me through Minds >>NO MEMOS / TAGS NEEDED FOR XRP, XLM, XMR ETCETERA<< * * BTC bc1qaqnuuwf7ydnpwl4a2zqfujxl5g4hcgg3hse0vc * * ETH / ERC-TOKENS 0x2961289b94EA567C0A8E9110679e667EEEA91463 * * LTC LaiUPvdaArBeCuWGH71JnBujvf7f4dsfjB * * ADA Ae2tdPwUPEZDGcvAZJjdAnBAmQvmN2wSgifpXdrGP3xe9LREvkVitHVqp3K * * DASH XbdfDHQq1v6QzpEVtfk6fHfCpU3uuc6Xhs * * XLM GDPFKP7ES5EFEJZ2ODV4P3QJJE5M45CHOYBT5NNX73FKLFICXUAFJSIX * * XRP rUso17Yih1eZ5uVjzUS8K7uHfYwxFzT6w3 * * NEO AbZophxjATypFSSmxh8eHg4mVPZnZ1Pd93 * * XMR 499mqbxEHGsJP5nqKVSzXkhAeT2C1psEr2TtLpMvEmDaXiDxhsXQhkXP3vdzYPV4H829HWPWdCZkLDP9J8jbg1dm64yLphb * * ZEC t1eCP2AEH68iKdWQiaHcMPXEv8Ju5KyWVdL * * EOS gm4tqojrg4ge * * DOGE DBtix5a4GyuLaPtV6PMGdRo57EFTtnG6xT * * TRX TYfcKqq8y2eGjHPL66NQJ75pZaQpgXiNj * * ONT AQf118U9YV3YGdTK9HvEZw5uhfB9asLMU6 * * BCH qz9le40ju2wa8ydftgmetx049nxq28n5uc5dj8knyc * * XTZ tz1aFUE1GMVDRrzdGJe5vMxM69tsoyo49eeQ * * >>NO MEMOS / TAGS NEEDED FOR XRP, XLM, XMR ETCETERA<<
Stewardess of rEvolution Empowering others to transform deep pain, release old stories, and embody their soul. Book a session on my website below.
I ❤ Science, logic, freedom and art... (Superhero by night) #censorship #all #quotes #freespeech #minds
The picture above is of me at 47 in Japan, in the nanosecond of a major turning point. Nearly cost me my life, but I certainly learned a lot....An investigative reporter (with a Pulitzer'nomination, rare for an independent), a medical writer (founded a cooperative medical writing company with clients on three continents), and teacher (taught in high school and college and was an early coordinator in the un-schooling movement).on this channel under my own name, I'm writing an unauthorized history of Minds. As @authorpendragon, I've been mindsblogging the news since 2016 and blogpost a bit. Politically, I've been an activist since the early 1960s, because "inactive citizen" is an oxymoron. With courageous, adventurous children grown and out changing the world, having just helped raise a grandson, my husband aka best friend and I founded a small community in an improbable oasis that we're working to save in the midst of a metro area. Here the guy I love creates anything that I can imagine, and I grow things and write... Channel Policy: Doxxers and spammers -- including thread hijackers endlessly bleating about unrelated pet projects or hatreds -- are at minimum boring. Bug out. All others: thank you for being here. Documented disagreement is terrific. So are discoveries. So is laughter.... Some Of My Blogposts On The Subject Of This Site BILL OTTMAN'S MINDS, LEADING THE CHARGE AGAINST THE GLOBALS (a series on Minds' creation, putting it in the context of the enormous forces that it's deftly combating) DRAGON'S INTERACTIVE TREASURE TROVE OF RESOURCES FOR LEARNING AND USING MINDS.COM (constantly updated, Bản Dịch Tiếng Việt) CULTURE SHOCK: FROM FACEBOOK TO MINDS HEY FOLKS! HOW TO BE A USEFUL USER ON MINDS (updated and with Vietnamese translation) THE BEST PLACES TO MAKE SUGGESTIONS, ASK QUESTIONS -- AND GET ANSWERS -- ABOUT MINDS:
On this channel I'm dragon@authorpendragon, mindsblogging the news since 2016. On @GailMcGowanMellor, under my own name, I'm writing an unauthorized history of Minds as it unfolds. An investigative reporter with a Pulitzer'nomination (rare for an independent), a medical writer (who founded a cooperative medical writing company with clients on three continents), and teacher (I taught in high school and college and was an early coordinator in the un-schooling movement), I've been a political activist since the early 1960s, because "inactive citizen" is an oxymoron. On a computer since 1977, I've been on the web since it was born in 1989. With courageous, adventurous children out changing the world, having just helped raise a grandson, with my husband aka best friend, I founded a small community in an improbable oasis that we're working to save in the midst of a metro area. There, the guy I love creates anything that I can imagine, and I grow things and write... Channel Policy: Doxxers and spammers -- including thread hijackers endlessly bleating about unrelated pet projects or hatreds -- are at minimum boring. Bug out. All others: thank you so much for being here. Documented disagreement is terrific. So are discoveries. So is laughter....
May 2018
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