Daniel (老黄)

Scifi fan. Wannabe gunsmith. Programmer for fun. Liberty-minded.
IT professional & trainer, game enthusiast and proud anti SJW shit poster. BitChute - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/bogdanpuiu/ YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/c/BogdanPuiu88 Gab - https://gab.ai/bogga88 Twitter - https://twitter.com/bogga88 If you like my content you can offer your support by donating on Patreon, MakerSupport, PayPal or via cryptocurrency: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/bogga88 PayPal: [email protected] Bitcoin address - 34tFLHF9ptZnWP8jbcibqn5cz9hgVucF8s Litecoin address - LXFwqZ7hWTNVkTcV771P5p6LWz8H5Mftoh Dogecoin address - DQrNXsQe6GVhQXmLoJbD2eNFBx9STiz9SC
I am a small content creater that loves Freedom, Firearms and free thought and the free exchange of ideas. Feel free to say Hi and also check out my bitchute channel linked below
2020 Presidential candidate. Former Congresswoman. Soldier. Surfer. Yoga. Plant-based. Inquiries: http://tulsigabbard.com (Views do not reflect position of DoD)
Some Are Defiant • Most Are Hypocrites Twitter: @DefiantLs
Illustrator and writer. Comics and illustrations, portrait work etc. dabbled in drawing in my teen years and just came back to it and took it seriously about 5 years ago, so i'm an old rookie.
Jan 2018
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