
Vodka? Straight? No I mind straight vodka no are you straight. Its vodka, straight? - hs 😂
The Minds Underground is A Multi-Media Decentralized Open Source Group, of programmers, artist, musicians, shamans, visionaries, regular people, making shit happen. Just so we're clear people, we're HERE to play & make MAGIC happen. #MindsUnderground
Живу в Лавале, это такой город. Он находится в Квебеке, а тот находится в Канаде (да не отделимся мы, но борьба за отделение - наш национальный вид спорта). Путина не терплю, Байдена тоже. Все люди братья. Или сёстры. Хочу в космос. Вдруг прилетят инопланетяне спасать Землю, и тогда пустят полетать на их корабле. Ещё пишу книжки. Одна вошла в номинанты на Золотую букву среди лучших романов на русском языке (2020 года), после чего отказался мыть пол - гении не должны полы мыть.
Let me share some of my insights as a Daughter Sister Wife Mother Friend Mentor Educator Gardener Writer Cook Seamstress Designer A lifetime of roles and experiences. I'm so glad I have the wisdom of scripture, loving family, caring friends, supportive colleagues to walk with me on this amazing journey. My hope is to encourage those who read my posts to put God's word into action with discernment and wisdom.
#ArrestFauci #ArrestG8s 🎤 🎧 🎼 🎹 🥁 "Either you brainwash yourself, or someone else will" 2Sponsor: $cre8itol TYVM✌🏽Isaiah 5:20
I live my life in the woods and only post my own pictures.
Facebook veteran of the #MemeWars, recovering with a Master's concentration in Forensic Psychology (but not as a psychologist!). Former student–membership in the American Psychology–Law Society (APA Division 41), pending renewal, and real–world experiences hampered by social media. People see my freedom, and call it slavery.
☥ ӕфй ☥
Ex-Host of The Dark Side of the Room radio show, Musician, Philosopher and Seeker of Wisdom My other sites: ----------------------- - Powerpoints & Slideshows on different topics/subject matter ..................................................................................................... - a Mirror site for the Powerpoint presentations on - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Music and Musical mash-ups ------------------------------------------------ Movie Mash-up Hosting site: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Channels subbed: 1) KILLUMINATI13420, 2) NewWorldAgenda, 3) POSEIDON, 4) HighImpactFlix, 5) Mark Dice, 6) Real Liberty Media, 7) RichieFromBoston, 8) Ceylon, 9) The Red Elephants, 10) Take the RedPill, 11) Earthling_Carl, 12) SGT Report, 13) Press For Truth, 14) Amazing Polly, 15) Brother Nathanael, 16) mlchristiansen, 17) Justin Trouble, 18) 13 o'clock Podcast, 19) Truthstream Media. 20) UnframeofMind, 21) Barbara4u2c, 22) Constitutionalist Libertarian, 23) Black Pigeon Speaks, 24) Daisy Cousens, 25) ToxicAngel, 26) Wicked Felina, 27) MAXAMILIUM, 28) SYNTHICIDE, 29) Norse-Wolf, 30) zakleosebumbar 31) DrunkenUncle 32) worldaffairs2021 ------------------------------------------------ Megashare (50 gig) Link 1: Link 2: ------------------------------------------------- Top Channels to visit: @Milica42 @MarkSalo @HeyokaChiefBigMouth @Olympiacos36 @HumansAreFree @jcity @LaurenceBacchus @cownation @SuperFurryNova @CountDibbula @CynicalC @Davidallenjones @Elicia @tonytwotellys @Odipides @FlashSomebody @Zombienomicon @OzMerlin @Shakara @AMSugerman @LovingMommyLeah @Shannon222 @kpr37 @BigbyLupo @icliks @AMSugerman @katherinevanuden @teacher_andy @gaelicgirl @healthnutnews (Erin Elizabeth) @bradyalex @mymindisheavierthanyours @worldaffairs2021 --------------------------
I focus on the digital and physical world. The four main categories that I sieve through information is: the digital, nutrition, fitness, and mentality. If I am not on a digital device, then I am out doing one of my endurance rucks of at least 20km with at least 10kg dry weight. And the rest of the time (with rucks included), I am sieving through a lot vocal content (audio books and podcasts). GROUPS: Rucking/Hiking: Programming Memes: Minds Limitlezz Extension: FEDIVERSE: Mastodon: Pixelfed: **DISCLAIMER** Most the content that is being shared through this account was found on the internet and thus this account does not claim to have ownership of the content. Although we believe that anything shared to the internet is public domain, we acknowledge that not everyone has the same point of view. Thus, if we share any content that infringes on your "terms and conditions" of such content, we would remove it.
Jesus loving, God fearing Patriot We must be prepared to fight the enemies of our nation.
Apr 2021
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