Lucy_maybe 🐭

You'll never flip my script
This party will be the successor of the Republican party starting in 2024 after the build up and legalities are taken care of! For the most part it's early, so in a nutshell this is what I'd like to see and do. For the most part I would like this country to get back to day one, July 4, 1776! That means reviving our Constitution back to the fundamental structure.This will be with a few amendments for our modern time and the future. I want law to be exactly that, Christian based with sound legality. Meaning the people before and over their government! First and foremost I think the Constitution and Bill of Rights should be added to elementary school studies and advanced in secondary school. Also both should be taught and passed to get citizenship.
FaithUnchained is an online ministry dedicated to bringing you the gospel message of Jesus Christ. Clink the link below to subscribe to our channel. Subscribe to our YouTube:
I have been gaming since 1992 and building PCs since 2003. I enjoy Linux, supporting FOSS projects and am a tinfoil hat connoisseur. Gaming is my achilles heel in that regard. Many FOSS projects rely on donations. If you have money to spare but don't know which to donate to take a look at the below links on Ko-fi, Github, and Open Collective. Anything on there is something I have found to be worthy.
It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. Samuel Adams news,memes,history,tales and fable anything that might light a spark.
A little bit of this and a little bit of that.
HISpumpkin lives, a studious Wombat, Momma Yi
Im a wife, mother, grandmother and a believer. John 14:6 I love life and try to bring positivity to a fallen world. @chrismadzier RIP 2-24-67-12-22-21 You will be truly missed my buddy. Minds member since April 2018.
do (eat work sleep) until (dead) I'm just some guy in the neighborhood. You remember that guy? Used to live over there? He was always polite and never bothered anyone, was nice to kids and animals. He moved away a few years back and we never thought about him again. Until last week, when we saw him on the news. Holy shit. He was just some guy in the neighborhood.
I'm an Aussie Christian who stands for free speech, and that all lives matter. Ask plenty of questions, seek the truth, and you will eventually find it! I'm also on Mewe: Gab: Rumble: Bitchute: and Odysee: My main site
Retired expat living in Ecuador on the beach. I enjoy sunshine, sport fishing, carpentry and simple life on the beach. Ron Paul made me a Libertarian, the scamdemic made me an Anarchist. I am very much anti-government and read and post articles that are worth reading, photos of beach life and surf fishing from my life. To send Pirate chain ARRR zs1zshztreqzp4yltefqw7lnnv73rg4v56nt28l8umnf5sps72jmayd4ud44hstusn7r4866dsyu32
I'm here to remind, post and talk about anything that interest me, I love music and nature you're free to remind my activities welcome to my channel
Jan 2021
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