
Hi all! I create original blog posts and Meme for members off #Minds (sometimes linking my work from other places). Here you will find blog posts (essays) on topics people talk about in the social sciences and humanities from outside university walls: #ethics, #epistemology, #communication, #economics, #linguistics, #psychology, #religion, (and sometimes programming and statistics) Like, remind, and do all that stuff to help out this channel, promote original content for Minds, and most importantly support discussions on important topics!
Jesus said, "Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you."
Tota official channel
The Observer is the Observed Passionate about all things plants. Polyculture, Herbalism, Plant Law, Garden Stone and Rockery A garden by a windy cliff #herbalism #garden #wildflower #secretgarden #isleoflewis #hebrides #permaculture #deepecology #environmental #ecology #regeneration #nature #spirit #beauty # Deep Ecology: An awareness of the oneness and interconnection of all life and its cycles of change and transformation.
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memes, cannabis and reminds
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The whole idea is that we, as humans, can think. And so we should. It is ok to have opinions, just as long as you know why you have them. I must be doing something right though, I get ignored by left and right wing posters.
Sep 2018
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