Writer/ artist from Ukraine, creator of Lovecraftian books Welcome to Shipsgrave and Colton Crux. Support me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/nashotobi
I'm Vilma the kitty and I purr in Finland. I like chimken snacks and pat pat pats. I share pretty videos and pictures of me and my daily life.
Nice to meowt you :3
Vilma recommends Monero and accepts it as a donation:
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Trying to be philosophically consistent and self aware, liberty minded individual making snarky and/or insightful comments (hopefully). On occasion I will try to one up conspiracy theory types for shits, giggles and the unlikely chance they may gain some insight into how batshit crazy they really are.
I also take photos of stuff. I intend my posts here show my evolution and improvement as a photographer and (hopefully) a trend slowly moving towards technical mastery and artistic expression.
If I have one piece of advice it's "stop humoring racists/identiterians". They are objectively bad people, and you should stop assuming they're just ignorant or mistaken. They're adults, treat them like it.
Czech photographer exploring abandoned places. Anything from the ruins of old castles to rusty remains of heavy industry. I only publish my own original work.
“I believe in God and in my pistols"
-Václav Morávek
2nd channel: @letloosethearrows
Award-winning artist, writer, photographer, audiobook narrator, podcasting producer and host, journalist for the fetish community, BDSM mentor, and adult personal branding, social media and marketing consultant for Sexy Networking.