Software Developer for Minds
Programming, Blockchain & Security.
FOSS advocate & Linux Enthusiast.
Please don't spam my channel with issues! To report issues please go through our helpdesk, For feature suggestions or general feedback, make a post with the #betterminds hashtag.
Hello Folks, Welcome to my channel. You will find it conservative with a little eclectic thrown in.
I rarely watch videos as they usually take far too long to communicate the information. I can read several other posts in that same time. Likewise I post videos even more rarely. I Do like to comment on other's posts.
I don't necessarily agree with or like everything I post. Some posts are just funny, thought provoking or something I think should be seen.
You may notice in my posts and writings that I didn't capitalize something like a name or religion, etc. I don't give special treatment (like capitalization) to things I find repugnant or highly offensive.