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Deep emotional atmospheres woven in psychedelic soundscapes offer a post-rock experience you won’t soon forget. Recipe for Q.Tune Ecstasy: 1. Begin with Cedar Branches’ grass-roots electronica music (lush, rhythmic synths, extravagant beats, complex synth bass undertones and deep lyrical themes). ​ 2. Add Marc Turkel’s dreamy rhythms and deeply stirring guitar leads, delivered with a finesse that is guaranteed to move you. 3. Insert a heavy dose of talented guest musicians taking part in the collaborative creation of magic. ​ 4. Mix, chill, and serve. A feast of sound that will leave you filled… AND wanting more.
Psychologic-Anarchist, MDMA High Priest, Mr. Rogers of Anarchism, Crypto Connoisseur Bio: Sterlin Lujan is the Communications Ambassador and Opinion Editor for His background is steeped in activism, journalism, and academia. He has worked with since 2015. Prior to his foray into cryptocurrency, he studied psychology and clinical counseling. He has a bachelors degree in psychology from Texas A&M University. He is happily married to his beautiful wife Cecillia and they live together in Texas. He is currently working on finishing his first book, a collected works called, Dignity & Decency: Rhapsodic Musings of a Modern Anarchist. History: In 2009, Sterlin was arrested for possession and alleged manufacture of a large quantity of MDMA and cocaine. He was released from jail with a sentence of deferred adjudication probation. After five years, he completed probation and his charges were dropped. His experiences confronting the State and being arrested provided him with the impetus to become an anarchist. While he awaited probation, he started undergoing some critical thinking about the nature of his “crime.” He came to the realization that he was victimized by the State. He came to understand that he was only providing a product on the market, and the State wrongly and unjustly kidnapped and caged him for it. This incident set the tone for all of his future activism, and led him to study authors such as Murray Rothbard, Ayn Rand, and Ron Paul. After his confrontation with the State, Sterlin discovered bitcoin in late 2013. He learned about bitcoin by hanging out with anarchists and libertarians online. He then started writing about the world-changing and paradigm-shifting potential of the technology. In 2015, Sterlin purchased his first bitcoin at around $600. Then he begin working for part time as a crypto-journalist. He also wrote regularly on blockchain platforms such as Steemit, earning crypto rewards from the decentralized autonomous organization. He has been thoroughly embedded in the crypto and anarchist communities ever since. Work and Role at At, Sterlin is responsible for representing the company. He is a brand ambassador and community spokesman. He eloquently elucidates the perspectives of regarding viewpoints on various topics, as well as coloring each talk with his own experiences and knowledge. He regularly conducts keynotes on topics such as the psychology of money, the essence of bitcoin, cryptocurrency utility, governance, forking, cryptopsychology, crypto-anarchism, history of cypherpunks, and the future of He focuses a lot on the philosophical elements of cryptocurrency, and works relentlessly to help spur mass adoption of crypto worldwide. Sterlin has spoken at some of the most prestigious crypto conferences in the world, including Anarchapulco, Blockshow, Texas Bitcoin Conference, Blockchain Economic Forum, New New Festival, Nexus Earth, and Next Block. Sterlin has also acted as an crypto envoy for the community when he addressed the Mongolian parliament at their Ministry of Foreign Affairs office in Ulaanbaatar.
"Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth." "It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see." "Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after." "Wealth is the ability to fully experience life." "None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm" "Our life is frittered away by detail... simplify, simplify." "If a man constantly aspires is he not elevated?" "Being is the great explainer." "The universe is wider than our views of it." "Be not simply good; be good for something." Henry David Thoreau.... Sometimes we may take the man on the "Strike at The Root" masthead forgranted. The subtle yet powerful influence of Henry David Thoreau probably remains his greatest creation. The books, journals and manuscripts, his written observations, impressive as they may be, somehow seem secondary to that influence. Instead, his personal life, his optimism, his highly individualistic code, his philosophy of introspection, his childlike delight in even the simplest forms of life, his belief that God and man were aligned through nature, his resistance to the dictates of society or the state, his outspokeness against the abuses of power, have had a far more profound effect on modern opinion than that of any other American writer. Just as Walden inspired the environmental movement more than a century after it was written, the essay, “On the Duty of Civil Disobedience,” effected a worldwide range of rights movements over the past 150 years—too many to count–spanning abolition and civil rights to include the antiwar, draft and tax resistance movements today. This single essay, Civil Disobedience, inspired such diverse thinkers as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Tolstoy, Gandhi and, most recently, Martin Luther King. Not surprisingly, it is not required reading in high school. Tolstoy, who influenced Gandhi, was deeply taken by Thoreau and yet noticed the general indifference of mercantile Americans to the idea of civil rights in the Nineteenth Century. Wrote Sanderson Beck, “Leo Tolstoy…asked Americans why they did not pay more attention to Thoreau’s ideas instead of their financial and industrial millionaires and their generals and admirals.”
Normal news is creating real news.
Jan 2019
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