wd stewart
The more I know, the more I know, that I didn't really want to know.
-dante7237 InfernalLogic.com
Former Army Medic and doer of things.
Standing on Solid Ground is a podcast hosted by Kim Jones. It's an inspirational, motivational, and spiritual podcast that serves to uplift people's spirits in their daily lives.
Editor: Xavier H. -- Full time editor, part-time worker, college student
camus, dostoevsky, solszenitsyn, frost, housman, p.c. friars, n.y. yankees, indie rock, God.......let's put the federal reserve and the united nations in our rear view mirror!!
St. Louis native, current Florida resident. 5 years on the #ketodiet. Super Straight since 2021. Love dogs, cycling, St. Louis Blues and Cardinals fan. LETS GO BLUES!
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