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A Vibratory Spirit, attempting to sound the call to Harmony.
DISCLAIMER- We do not censor or demean any information, from Flat Earth Theory to Vaccine Caused Autism. If you do not agree with these policies feel free to debate us.
There is a clear measure of wisdom in one who would listen to their brethren and truly hear them. -
Don't let your mind become a sewer, lest your thoughts become no better than another persons waste.
"The Truth is like a Lion. You don't need to defend it. Let it loose, it will defend itself."
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While we strive to maintain zero bias on social or political leanings, we respect the rights of others and welcome them to discuss their own affiliations and social preferences.
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RichieAllenShow (World News)
Corbett Report (Alternative Media)
Truthstream Media (Alternative Media)
Spirit Science (Esoteric)
O.D.D. TV (Conspiracy)
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Eric Dubay (Alternative Media, Flat Earth Proofs)
APlaneTruthInfo (Conpiracy, Jesuits, Flat Earth Proofs, Alternative Knowledge)
In Harmony and Light, We Love You!
Ben Swann has spent 20 years working as a journalist in broadcast news, behind and in front of the camera. Swann began his journalism career in El Paso, Texas as a news photographer, quickly working his way up to prime time anchor. Along the way, Swann became a two time Emmy Award winner and two time recipient of the Edward R. Murrow Award. Covering Mexico’s drug war, Ben Swann discovered the national media was not reporting the truth of what was actually happening in Mexico’s drug war or the problems associated with the failed “War on Drugs” in the United States.