A Shift To Red

Eurorack~Night Terrors~Cold Sweats~Infinite Horizons
Sharing music from around the world!
I've got a modular synth problem...
One and Only, The 💩! Smartest Fastest Most Artistically Innovative Richest in The Known Universe Unbeatable Infinite Wealth Unbeatable Rap Speed Unexpected hits Anon side project .... ..... ..... ....... ....... ...... ..... ... ... .. ..... ... .... .....Main Hub: https://withkoji.com/@Rapzillionaire [[[[]]]][][[[[][][]]]]]]]] ][][][][[[[[[]]]]]][][][][[[ [[][][][ []]]]]]]][ [[[[][][][][][][[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[[][][] ][][][][ ]]]]]]]][ [[[[[[ ][][ ][ ][] [] [ ][ ][ ][ ][] [][][ ] [] [[ ] [] []]]]]][[[[][][][][][ ] ][ ][ ][ ][][][][ [] [][ ][]]]][ [ ][ ][] [ ][ ][ ][ ] []]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]][[[[[[[[[[]][][[[][][[][][][][][][][][] ][][][ [][][] ] ][][][][][][]] ][][][][][][[][[][][][][][][][][] [][][ ][][][][][][][][] [ ][ ][ ][] [] [ ][ ][ [][][][][][[][][][][][] #Rapzillionaire #Rap #Richest #In #Universe #Unbeatable #Fastest #Rapping
https://owenhenrywindows.com - Replacement windows Seattle WA!
Posting cool old viral content... - My twitter account @TheFigen. No to circuses and zoo. …..human being is not the lord of animals!
I'm an audio engineer, digital musician, remixer and educator, based in the UK. Also interested in science, technology and UK politics www.matthewsmyth.co.uk
Beat slapper. Song scriber. Rap snob. Former myspace-famous rapper. Sometimes promoting things. Working on making my kids rich. www.docvaporz.com
"Americans" want synarchy — they are the totalitarians of the world, worse than China, worse than Russia. The same kind of beast, with more tentacles. Americanisation spreading schizophrenic 'alt-capital' to fascistic sympathizers over the globe, globalisation thru fascisization. -Ὦψεπέὦ -
Feb 2019
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