Matthew Jeshua Martin

Techology Learning, and Studier of Ideas
Looking to feel free again like back in the MySpace days.
Watch as I try to not completely trip over my own feet in whatever game I'm currently playing. If you do see me in a game, hope you're on the other team (you're likely safer).
It's #Anonymous, not synonymous. It's decentralized, not group thought. It's an idea, not a cult.   This channel revolves around the world of #Technology, #Science, #News, #Philosophy, and all things #Minds!  | #Transparency | #TheGreatMigration #Active #Minds co-creator since July 2015. Minds is the root of the spiderweb, all other govspiders social media is based upon this identity.
Meat for Thought is dedicated to giving ideas, explanations and all kinds of food for thought. I focus on self-development and social and political issues.
The Artifice Precept is a cross-state progressive metal outfit consisting of Thomas Spaulding (guitar) in California and Jack DeMaio (guitar, production) in Pennsylvania. We produce heavily orchestrated Deathmetal.
PROPAGANDA FOR THE HEROIC AGE ↯ To survive you will need - brutal honesty - mental health - physical strength - heart to follow - self to develop - loyalty of your gang - sense of humor - joy in struggle - a burning need - nothing to lose.
I post Breaking News from around the world daily. All in one place. Right here. Join me!!
Dec 2016
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