Choosing Freedom

Let’s redefine “woke”. Not their woke, our woke. Seeing the plandemic for what it is. Working to stop tyranny. Maintaining our freedoms. I will NOT comply.
I ❤ Science, logic, freedom and art... (Superhero by night) #censorship #all #quotes #freespeech #minds
CC Airdrops is my crypto Airdrop platform for Free Cryptocurrency. We are on YouTube, and many other new social media platforms . Fecbook, YouTube and 3 other New platforms. My links are posted below. Also part of the Current movment against the global elite
Critical Thinking Skills Is Imperative For A Healthy, Awaken, Productive Society-- Derrick
creative, funny, expressive...just me.
Biding my time in the deep south. Your's too, if you are reading this.
I came to MINDS, after I was kicked off of facebook, for posting a meme that showed no nudity, and threatened no one. It was an opinion. I was kicked off for an opinion. I posted a meme that stated that there are two genders and the other 30 genders (imaginary genders cooked up by snowflake millennial liberals) are mental disorders. I have no problem with gay marriage. I could care less if someone wants to transgender themselves (as long as taxpayers aren't paying for it). Like Berkley, Facebook will not tolerate Free Speech. I have over two thousand friends on Facebook, Conservatives, Libertarians, Keks, standing Militia, and free thinkers. When my facebook jail time ends, I'm going to do my best to bring them with me here. My facebook account. If you want to see what I was up to before finding MINDS.
Autoflower Connoisseur. Steel Worker by day and Grower by night. Twitter: @MedicalGrower42
“Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.”
This channel posts the most interesting things to keep this world as interesting as possible.
Jan 2022
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