Melmac News

Melmac News is your number one source for hilarious fake news.
Just a guy bitching about his dog, the NCAA & events. "Dogs and beer are proof God loves us and wants us to be happy."
I am the Dwarven All Father my chromosomes are XY if you are against gynoids and ecto-genesis we can't be friends Dwarven All Father of Klan Kel'ke, indie game dev, patriarchal libertarian/objectivist, father of the anti-christ (she's a blonde white girl), anti-feminist, pro men's rights, advocate for wife bots + artificial wombs, enemy of all elves and their simps.
HOPE and וזה יבוא לידי ביטוי RESPECT 🚪☝🏿✍🏿 Allie 👸 Future 👑 Millennial Kingdom of ABBA🎺🥰😍🛡⚔️💎💃✨🌙💫 If you would like to support me and the mission of HOPE, donations are appreciated. Domain Name: celestialqueen.blockchain. ♥️🙏 Zelle for donations through email address: [email protected] 🥰🙏♥️ For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. Romans 8:15 🫡🥹
Libertarian activist since the late 1980s. Very frustrated about how the world is turning into a fascist nightmare...
My vision: I envision a more accepting 🌎. My Mission: Plant 🌱🌱🌱 every day. Educate and empower others to be part of the solution to achieve my vision. Create safe, civil and inclusive work environments to drive human progress and provide the freedom to be ourselves and do our best.
I am 63 years old. I am NOT from your century. I draw Comics! And I have been a Dungeon Master (1st edition D&D) since 1978. I try to post some comics or D&D everyday!!! I occasionally write blogs and stuff. I laugh at everyone.
Dec 2021
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