This is a place where the very funniest and cleanest *Memes* are posted.
If you choose to support me in any way use the membership option or simply wire a few tokens, any amount is very mutch appreciated!
But most importantly ENJOY the memes or the mafia will come!
Access exclusive content through a monthly
poor memer
$1.2 - 0.96 tokens per month
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you are a offical member (better than casuals)
Tier 1 - Memer
$5 - 4 tokens per month
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Be a respected memer amounst the dankness and will be able to request 1 meme every week.
Tier 2 - Dank memer
$10 - 8 tokens per month
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Become a demi god amungst the memes of dankness and you are able to request 1 - 2 memes depending if i have time.
Tier 3 - Dank GOD
$20 - 16 tokens per month
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You Can request 3 memes every week and you can choose when to they will be posted. you will also be considerd a legend in the community
Tier 4 - Wealthy memer
$100 - 80 tokens per month
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If you do this you are indeed very rich and you will be the most respected out of the memers, you will also have the power to insert 7 memes every week and get to choose when they will be posted.