Maria Elizabeth Romana
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Libertarian, Free Thinker, Mom. Math Geek and Romantic Mystery Writer (yes, both at the same time). I do indeed support our president, and no, I don't hate anyone, unless they give me a very good reason -- like trying to take away constitutionally-guaranteed freedoms or undermining my vote in an election. Also, my avatar photo was taken more than 10 years ago. I am older, grayer, and uglier now, on the outside anyway. Just keepin' it real...
Best Selling Author. Lover of hedgehogs & Freedom.
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Orwell 🇺🇸❤🇺🇸 Pittsburgh, Pa USA 🇺🇸❤🇺🇸 #Q #KAG2020 #ThesePeopleAreSick Society will never accept Pedophilia!🖕 Observed DJT since the 90's. 👉SRA is real and it's terrifying.👈
I live in the greatest country the world has ever known. I'm insatiably curious. I wish I had ten lives to deeply explore everything that captures my attention. I advocate for individual rights; U.S.Sovereignty; our incredible Constitution; homeschooling; health freedom; and nutritional medicine. Fire your allopathic doctor and take back your health. I fight against the NWO, globalists, statists, Big Pharma, and PC culture. They are killing humanity, and trying to destroy the greatest country on earth. We must rise up and fight this horrific evil. * Principles Over issues * * Freedom is my mantra *
I'm living an inspired life expressing myself through my art...awake & aware during these troubled times.....may we all live our truth and offer support to one another to live and let live as we each see fit. xo
I posts Blogs & Photos of all subjects here on MINDS. About me: Married; Father (of 3 children); Grandfather (of 3 boys); Retired (and enjoying retirement); Deplorable; Amateur Photographer (all posted photos are mine); and, ALL opinions are mine solely. "Truth is Hate to those who hate the truth." - (Unknown) Laugh, don't get mad. Make fun of the left and make them mad. Don't give a shit what the left calls you. Nothing makes them madder because it takes away one of their main weapons. Never ever apologize. Ignore the celebrities. They do and say crazy things just to attract attention. I'm not politically correct. In fact, I go out of my way to be politically incorrect. I'm here to encourage other deplorables and to cause snowflakes to meltdown. That's it.
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Aug 2017
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