
Firmly Believer in Decentralization. Made in 1984.
Truth will set you free. Get paid to post on social media!!! Post on Steemit and earn Cryptocurrency.
This account will pursue aggregation projects that span all the views we can find and putting them side by side. This is based upon an ideological concept of Truth Triangulation. The more perspectives you know the hypothesis is that you can better aim for the truth by looking for the points of intersection. Bias cannot be completely eliminated as the aggregation is done by a person. This is a project that has been ongoing on the steem blockchain for over a year. Today it was decided to add into the aggregation. It will surely take awhile to learn the ropes and get comfortable, so things will change as needed. This project will continue on Steem as well, but it was time to include minds. Thank you for your patience.
When being an American and listening to liberals is like being Polish and listening to Hitler screech about lebensraum Steemit - Gab - My Amazon Books -
I am an enigma. A contradiction in terms. I am two extremes who've met in the middle, and split apart. I am the calm before my storm. I am my own best friend, and my own worst enemy. I am my own healer, and also my own personal hell. Only I can make me, or break me. I am the wizened crone, in the mind of the maiden. I am a brilliant star in a dark universe. I am a comedian in a world that hates to laugh. I am the caring nurse that forgets self care. I am the prophet who sees the future in the past. I am the voice of words already spoken. I am the poet of things yet thought. I smile through tears.. I cry with joy. I fix all the others while falling apart. I am everything no one else is, was, or ever will be. Wore out and broken, but built better every day. I am the student teacher..I am here to learn what I already know and teach what I'm learning. I am an enigma. But then, so are you.
Aug 2018
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