The Free Philosopher

#MAGA 🐸 Veteran of The Great Meme War, 310th Czech Memeing Battalion. Tolerant. Lactose tolerant.🍼
Musician from Sweden, i also code (mainly c++) so i might go on some WinAPI related rants...
Watch as I try to not completely trip over my own feet in whatever game I'm currently playing. If you do see me in a game, hope you're on the other team (you're likely safer).
Hi! I'm Inky, I'm a graphic designer. Some facts about me, to make assumptions about my person impulsively: - I'm an atheist, but I won't make a fuss about it. - I'm an egalitarian, not a feminist. I'd rather not be associated with the 'F' word for the time being. - I'm a huge fan of H.P Lovecraft, if you couldn't tell from my username.
I serve the proud Kekistani People as foreign affairs minister.
I try to have reasonable discussions™
I make antifeminist videos on YouTube. Yeah, I'm one of those guys.
buy an awesome punk album … evil white male to the regressive-left, evil not-white Jew to the alt-right
This video channel is dedicated to artists and audiences who dissent Hollywood's corruption. Media outlet that produces content for awakened young people. Our goal is to inspire and enlighten young minds to political, social, and human consciousness. ----------------------   
Mar 2017
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