
ciudadano del mundo, libre pensamiento, izquierdo por naturaleza, básico y letal.
🩺Registered Nurse 🩺 🏹Transformational Coach🎯 and CEO of 🧿🏵️Guardian at the Gateway🏵️🧿 Journey within, return renewed. 👉 Guiding you through the wildness of rebirth to a place of profound healing and harmony. www.GuardingGateways.com http://www.maps.org/resources/psychedelic-integration-list/angela-ward/
ART ~ MOTION ART ~ SPIRITUALITY - RAIN + UFO"S - GIF ARTIS - CONTENT CREATOR ...... ZODIAC SIGN: CAPRICORN FEMALE STARSEED ELEMENT: EARTH tumblr: https://pleiadian-staarseed.tumblr.com/ Gallery: https://plotaverse.com/#!/profile/star-seed FAVORITE GROUP: OFFICIAL GIFS https://www.minds.com/RedDragonLS/
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Mar 2021
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