
Mami Claire👶
Welcome To The Soul Survivor Music Playlist Channel. This Channel Is Designed To Mimic The Heartbeat Of Human Relations, As Well As To Encourage Survivalism Of The Human Spirit.
With God all things are possible
Admissions Tutors was established by a group of Oxford and Cambridge University graduates with years of experience preparing students for UK school entrance exams, Oxbridge and Medical School applications, and tutoring university level students.
Student | Educator | Crypto enthusiast
"Try, if you will, to arrest a man who wears suicide in his buttonhole" - Jacques Rigaut MindsMinus is now my account image. I post what I believe is true. Perhaps I am wrong. Let me know if you think so. I also post satire that may be confused with fact. Please check sources I list. Please inquire if it is unclear. I am not an investment professional. When I share my thoughts please realize they are stream of consciousness. Please research and make your own decisions. Cryptocurrency and other investments are inherently dangerous and may easily result in the loss of your investment. Invest with care. I am just some dead French poet on the internet; I am not your investment advisor. I appreciate Free Speech and I attempt to follow applicable laws so my writing falls under Free Speech protections. I do not give permission for my writing to be saved or processed in government or corporate systems beyond the minimal required to appear on Minds. Please contact me with any questions.
Lets Subscribe to eachotherand make money togather
Data Analyst and Ethical hacker🥰
Feb 2021
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