
I’m a full time goddess mistress seeking to own a submissive kinkyness who is ready to be collared as a 24/7 slave to supreme goddess mistress you can message me on google chat [email protected] WhatsApp 15168627818
Hi. Welcome to 30 something media. I am a comedian and political commentator who shares his videos, thoughts and opinions with the world. Enjoy my latest cartoons and occasional reviews.
Photography, art, sex, and other things I find interesting. Anti-war. Anti-state. Non-Aggression. Fuck authority. Free Market Capitalism or Get the Fuck Out. Any OG brutalists in here, say hello. *PM’d nudes ALWAYS welcome! Check out: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1228741085295190016/feed …join, and share some love. **You can’t view adult content in the minds app on an iPhone. You’ll need to open minds dot com in your browser.
I am a brother to humanity and all humans are my siblings. Muslim. German-Pakistani born and raised in Chicago since 1991. Conservative-Libertarian. Minarcho-Capitalist. Graduated Theodore Roosevelt H.S. '09. I do a lot of thinking. Magastani.
Love, Soul, Spirit, Life, Principle, Truth, Mind . Guitarist w/ Lords of Sabbath , Mojave Green
Revolutionary, ex public defender, and current leader of the free world (the position was abandoned and left vacant. I assumed it.) Any true blue red blooded Americans left in this country? We've come full circle in America, It's time for revolution. FYI: I don't support Trump/republicans/fascists or Biden/democrats/communists. I only support America, that is: the country, the constitution, my fellow citizens, and Liberty itself. When you get to the bottom of the rabbit hole, I'll be there waiting to guide you down the yellow brick road to freedom. 😎👍🏽
Observer, Historian & Author. Preserving History, one post at a time. Disclaimer: Not for the psychologically impaired. Apologies, but I'm not the midwit whisperer. https://commoncitizen.substack.com/
Just a giant Japanese monster trying to find his way in the universe. I will do my best to follow back any *real person* who follows me.
Southern Pride. I always follow back
Pureblood. Former U.S. Army Infantry. NRA life member. I believe 1A and 2A are the backbone of America. Occasionally I do graphic design.
The Truth is undemocratic. 共产主义匪徒死亡 (Death to all communist bandits) I'm a Millennial that got old and never realized it. The Boomers treat us like children, ...we're almost 40. a former law enforcement officer and airman. a firm agorist. a believer in shinning the naked light of truth in any direction that might improve humanity, regardless of who it might offend. But don’t worry I have thick skin when it comes to reciprocating. you WILL see critiques of racial groups, religious groups and political groups or their ideologies. I bear no resentment or hatred for these people but merely seize the opportunity to voice unsavory or unpopular but honest assessments of all of the above. I’m a rare breed, an urban libertarian/new right aligned individual. I tend to buck the trend of fleeing to the countryside. I’ve noticed a common thread within the contemporary modern thought process; that it’s better to flea as a refugee than to stay and fight for your home. I refuse to cede a single inch of ground to the corrupted leftist enemy. …and I believe the future is a localized one rather than a corporate globalized one, as such I consider fucking leftoid idiots to be the unwanted trash. let them move away to the uncivilized wastelands, deserts or wilderness. if you love something, you have to fight for it. always vote strait ticket RED all the way down the line. it’s time to declare the Democratic Party to be a criminal organization. that being said, I LOATHE the backwards and superstitious moral/social conservative side of the G.O.P. …that element of it needs to be flushed down the crapper along with the neocons. being obsessed with outdated agrarian culture and misattributing America’s success as the result of some nebulous form of religious piety pushes voters directly into the arms of the democrats. so let’s stop doing that. I am a veteran of the meme war, and the proud and loving owner of the white 328xi and gray Z4 in the pic above. I’m a major gear head, I also have a Honda CBR600rr. big time 2A guy with a large collection and build gaming rig’s for fun. I’m into first person shooters, all types of strategy games, the clone wars, old school side scroller games (Metroid-to-sonic) and I love house music. expect to see content related to all of the above. biographical facts: southern Italian: 🇮🇹 (from the Pompilio family, traced back to the second king of Rome before the republic, Numa Pompilius) Austrian 🇦🇹 Polish 🇵🇱 (no I don’t speak it). but 100% American 🇺🇸 🦅 🚬 😎 💥🛩🆓 check out my more cerebral account @philosoraptor_incarnate
Jul 2022
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