
Voluntaryist, Marriage and Family Therapist, and Truth Seeker
We Are Anonymous. We Are Collectivists. We Are Etheric Operators. We Are ProjecT MayhEM TheGame23. Welcome to THE PROJECT, you found your way back to IT!
I find cool pieces of artwork from the internet and post them here. I did not produce these. #Art #Aesthetic #Psychedelic #DigitalArt
The Survival Outpost is a unique marketplace for survivalists, outdoor enthusiasts, preppers, military personnel and anyone living a self sufficient lifestyle.
We're developing open source industrial machines that can be made for a fraction of commercial costs, and sharing our designs online for free.
News and articles from the world of modern synthesizers.
MINDS HAD BLACKLISTED ME Nov 12th to Dec 5th Welcome to my site on Minds where Co-Founder Ottman states contains "total fabrications" where I expose Minds' dirty tricks, expose hypocrites, expose "Free Speech Heroes", Down Vote Flooders and more ... I am a catalyst, Secular Humanist, skeptic, hypocrite exposer, outlier ANTI: #MAGA #Conspiracy theories #HOAX PRO: Reality, Responsible Freedom, Science Minds admins have altered my profile without reason, explanation or recourse. Minds admins have unblocked blocked users on me. Minds admins have not removed a doxxer. Contents of my posts & profile maybe be altered by Minds admins at anytime. Verify with me via private message on any questionable content. Check my profile & feed for free speech hypocrites that block & massively down vote #skeptic #humanist #science #reality #TerrorismHasMoReligion Free Speech Hero Special Achievement Awards Standings 1st place: @legofreak446 5 down votes / sec plus daily down vote floods 2nd place: @DemonArmageddon AKA WOLFworld 40+ days of continuous down votes still using several sock accounts 3rd place: @gfreark 6 down votes / sec ! 4th place: @memeous 5 down votes / sec ! Is your Free Speech Hero on this list of abusers? Blocked & heavily down voted by: @BadBlackSheep SimplyBS @blusty MARKOFSOROS SOROSRAPEDME @ChainReaction666 MISSINGLINK @ChemTrailsMN CHEMTURDS @Cognition inCognition @cownation EATCROWNATION @CorbettReport CORBETTCULT* @devilsbeentalkingradio DEAFRADIO @digitalsedition AUTISTIC PATRIOT @Esprit1st THEONE @futureshock FUTILE2SHOCK @futureshock2 FUTILE2SHOCKTOO @gfreark GODFINGERS @Gronkt ASSTRAILSYA @identifyuser 404NOTFOUND= @TripleFiveSoul 3X5=7 @kreukel KREUL @luculent HASHLESSWONDER @legofreak446 ZENRAGEFART @theLastStand THEFASTGLAND @MatteoNL97 FARTTRASH REVOLVER @Miodrag09 MI-DRAG-QUEEN @MindCom HASHCLOWN @MTZIGGY MTNIGGIE @naturegirl IMMATUREGIRL @NotConvinced @NyoNyo THEBIGDOG @oniakuma SILENTRAGEFART "i talk, i smile, i laugh too but, be careful when I'm silent " @Qomplainerz massive abuse, sock accounts @raereinhartz OH-CULT @redpillTV REDSHILLIV * @RedPillMedia42 42VIRGINS @Senor01 INDEPENDENSE @ShabbosShekels KRAUTWITHPEE @SilentMajorityRising SILENTMORON @standhume STAND'n'SPUME @Straach1488 with no sack @Susan87331512 SUZANZI @Slaughtz DAMNETHNICS @tengu9 SHEGETZNUN @The_Roaming_Beast FOAMING-BEAST @TotalEclipse OFTHEFART @TRS333 STU-PID @Wotansohn SPINOBORE-US @wolfalexzemla WOLFAMNESIA @wolfworld CANISANUSIS @therealsteveshives * no massive down votes + unblocked Has since apologized for floods then retracted @jack75 Well done indeed ;-) Down Votes Floods (most recent, partial list): @BellyHoofer @Farvot @Dove11 @Frazcak96 @Miodrag09 I am banned from these groups: Conspiracy, Conspiracy Files, Flat Earth, Forbidden Gnoledge, Freedom of Speech, Health Freedom, UFO ... Always remember, you are more unique. When I sent you 3 points, it signifies 3 fingers.
Nov 2017
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